Well round #1 has officailly come to an end, but we're firing up round #2 immediately. This round will be street jibs of any sort. So everything is in and please feel free to use your creativity when doing your tricks.
For voters, lets vote these based on overall impression. So the trick should have difficulty, be stylish, creative, etc... but vote it based on what you feel inside.
Remember when you're voting on something to give yourself what judges call a "range". This means that the worst trick of the day should score a 1 and the best trick of the day a 9. Its only once in a blue moon that you actually give a 10, and the only reason you do that is if the last trick is so much better than the 9 you gave for the other perfect trick. Don't give something a 7 if you sort of liked it, give it a 3.
That will allow for breathing room when you're doing your judging.
So go forth and get your entries in for Round #2!