It saddens me that the KB season is too short to celebrate the ever-growing festival that is the April 1st gaper day. Nothing would delight me more than riding in jeans with a bunch of similar dressed individuals hitting jumps in trains, skipping rails, snaking true gapers and screaming at the top of my lungs… I really want KB to have a gaper day this year (some wise-asses would say that everyday at kb is a gaper day, btw) yet April 1st is not an option. Late season sunny days are good for shooting videos, and late season cloudy days are good for learning tricks, that is why I was thinking some weekend in Feb would be good, (I’m hoping for Saturday the 2nd, Groundhog Day). Hopefully it won’t be too cold for jeans, but that way on a weekend there can be more participants, KB will have crowds, and there will plenty of tiny, frozen features in the park. So if you are into this nonsense reply to this thread and find your old Starter jacket (or Logo7 if your parents were cheep-asses), bust out those jeans, don that Boeri gumball helmet, dust of those snowlerblades (you know you have them) , leave your gogs and poles at home (unless of course you have real long rental or xc poles which in that case bring em’) practice those daffys, and forget how to do 360 because GAYPER DAY 08 is commin’ sukka !!!
for those that are clueless, here in an example