Yo so I got this email from my friend at work who I guess knows that guy who made the shoes video and he said it's nominated for peoples choice award for best user video or whatever, read this:
> Hey, guys,
> "Shoes" has been nominated for a People's Choice
> Award. You can vote for it here:
> http://www.pcavote.com/pca/votenow.jsp?showCaptcha=true&category=null&pollId=&_r
> equestid=198763
> or just go to pcavote.com and click "vote now". the
> category is called "Favorite User-Generated Video."
> looks like you can vote all you want up until the show
> airs in January.
> um...WOW. i might meet Queen Latifah.
> -Liam
yeaa, so vote it up!