Some of you may know Nathalie Armstrong and some of you don't but on Saturday at Hemlock her board was stolen. It is a farely rare set up and is pretty easy to ID.
It's a Burton Malolo with Burton Cartel bindings. The board is a 157cm (or somewhere very close) and it is a pow specific board. Super long wide nose witha short really narrow tail. The bindings are mounted way back on the board.
The bindings are black (i think) with brown suede on the straps.
If you see this stuff around, snag it. call me or email me. take a photo of the person with it. If you work at a shop give me a shout if it comes in to get worked on.
It's probably some white trash Mission local who snowboards in motocross gear and has an extreme mohawk. Feel free to hit them with your vehicle.