Replying to '06 HeadMojo 90s...
So, I got a pair of say 03 or 04 mad trix. Love the things. This will be my fourth season on them. I am so happy with them I want to get a pair of Mojo 90s as my next ride. Thing is, I was gonna wait til Feb when I could prolly get a pair of 08s for $500-600 if theres even any left, ski and binding at the local ski shop sale. Is there much of a difference between the 06 and 08 other than graphics? I love the 07 graphics the best.
Heres the thing, I found a pair of 06s on craigslist for $320. I am gonna see if I can get them for 250, comes with a pair of Rossignol Power 120s. Would it be good deal or just wait for some 08s? My current skis have a lot of core shots and a few edge dings too, they still rip but im thinking my performance would get better with a fresh pair of wider skis. The skis for $320 have been used 12 times.
What does NS think?
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