hey i'd appreciate it greatly if someone could look atthis tell me if its arrite, i spoke with my teacher and she said i need a definite tone so i thought about adding a rhetorical question like "if you could determine your future solely based on your childhood would you?" but theni thought thats kinda off topic as i am speaking of "fulfillment" of life. Then i was trying to think of havign a controversial tone but i cant link that in any way to 'childhood playing a role in individuation" and for reference if this helps anyone give me more suggestions individuation is (its a theory) that u reach kinda a point where all parts of ur personality are projected equally, in other words unification of the self. here it is:
“The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the
day.”~John Milton. A day is very eventful and full of things to
do, see and discover but how we live that day is often affected by the morning.
What we eat when we wake up affects how tired we are, how early we wake up will
affect our performance during the day. Thus, the morning, like childhood, shows
the day or man because so much of what we learn, experience in childhood stays
with us as a person. Therefore it provides us with the foundation for
discovering ourselves.. Despite childhood’s innocence – a quality which would
make it difficult to gain an accurate perspective on life – Robertson Davies’ novel
“Fifth Business” reveals how childhood, despite it’s brevity, plays a key role
in achieving individuation