Personally i just cant stand it. This girl in my history class was showing her friend a new ipod nano, then some douche bag came up to them and was like "oh yeah? look at my brand new ipod touch 8 gb, i can go on the internet and itunes store on it." then he was rubbing it in her face about how much better it was. and i was on the other side of the class thinking i should probably punch him, but instead i whipped out my jailbroken 16 gb touch and just pooned him with iPhone apps, NES games msn and whatnot. And he was speechless. He tried to get my email so i would do it for him. i laughed in his face.
Now i now what i did was kinda showing off but he deserved it. I never even take my touch outta my pocket and only my good freinds know i have it. But I dont get why people feed off of others making them jealous, not only of ipods but clothes, shoes, or athletic skills. It pisses me off. it seems that all the friends i have that are rich are so modest about it its not even funny then you gte all the douchebags who rub everything they have that you dont in your face. Why bother? it makes me want to punch them in the teeth.