So i was hikin the park today and was amazed how many gapers there were. First i see a clan of ski racers skiin off the side of the lip onto the rail, then i see the old school skiers airing off the lip thinking they are so red bull, THEN i see the noobs who have million dollar setups and are rockin the bandanas and the basketball jerseys and they were gettin stoked on 50-50s on the tiniest rail in the park. Not to mention all the 10 yr olds who snaked us only to carve up the lip. I mean, im stoked on them gettin into whole park skiing stuff but I just fricking wish they would grow up and progress else where because this mt. doesnt have alot of money. <<end rant>>
Does this happen at your mt? I dont need to be that mad tho cuz i have a pass to schweitzer which is good but i was amazed how crowded our park was with these gay-pers.