'Tax returns for 2000 show that Cheney and his wife had $36,086,635 in reported income last year. Some $34 million of Cheney's income came from stock options and other perks received from Haliburton, the oil services firm where Cheney was CEO.' - so ur saying that that 34 mil has no effect on what he decides?
Here is a profile of some other top figures in the administration of George W. Bush:
* Commerce Secretary Donald Evans, a longtime friend of George W. Bush, holds 940,000 options in Tom Brown, a Denver-based oil company that he headed before his cabinet appointment. Evans' financial disclosure statement listed his options to be worth between $5 million and $25 million.
* Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill is another extremely wealthy former CEO with a leading role in the Bush administration. The former head of aluminum maker Alcoa initially balked at selling off his $100 million in company stock and stock options, claiming he saw no potential conflict of interest. However, in an action that could directly benefit Alcoa, the Treasury Department recently decided to allow the financially pressed Bonneville Power Administration, which supplies electricity to Alcoa smelters in the Pacific Northwest, to reduce its payments to the government for dams and other infrastructure.
* Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who was chief executive at the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle and later headed General Signal Corp., has financial holdings in stocks and other investments that are worth between $50 million and $210 million, according to his financial disclosure statement. Nearly half his fortune is tied up in private investment partnerships, including venture capital funds that invest in health care, energy, the Internet and biotechnology.
* Colin Powell, Bush's secretary of state, was a former board member of America Online. His stock portfolio is worth between $18 million and $65 million. He has agreed to sell his stock in 31 companies, including holdings in General Dynamics and Brocade Communications Systems worth more than $1 million each. He is also divesting holdings in Cisco, JDS, Uniphase and EMC worth between $500,000 and $1 million. Powell's son, Michael, head of the Federal Communications Commission, voted to approve the merger between AOL and Time Warner.
* Mitch Daniels, Bush's director of the Office of Budget and Management, was a top executive at the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly. He listed the value of his Lilly stock at between $5 million and $25 million.
* Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser, served on the board of directors of Chevron Oil from 1991 to 1993. The company named an oil tanker after Rice.
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