The Sport: Piss Racing
Where: Public or Private Restroom
This is how it goes:
The art of piss racing is simple:flushing b4 u piss, and try to get it all out b4 its done flushing-but dont stand too close, b/c ull have flush fluid all over ur trousers!
The History:
secretly shared between piss-racers near and far, unique and alike, by means of pics, videos, and the infamous audio! and tho they may come in many different shapes and sizes, the constant stream cannot be tampered with by any means of illegal drug use (enzyte, viagra, etc.) so it is therefore 100 pure! Ah....i love listenin to a good piss race in a public refreshing!
My Story:
Cop and i walked in tha door at the Beckley Rest Area, and he immediately headed to the large open square in the wall marked "MEN". it had a strong odor of mr. clean and mop. from there on out i knew something was gonna go wrong. he went in and did his thing (or so i thot!) but when he came out, he looked disgruntled! wit ha serious face, he came up to me and said "dude, the flusher.......its on the RIGHT SIDE!!!" i kno, i kno-tragic! ok, so i didnt kno what to do, i jus sat down in the middle of the floor and began to rock back and forth hummin mary had a little lamb over and over till finally i had to go-this was crunch time! i proceeded into the el bano not knowing what other obstacles lie ahead of me...i got through the door fine, now im passing the sinks- two, three, fou.....OH NO!!! i came across the dreaded "CAUTION! WET FLOOR!" this was an obvious sign of a piss race gone VERY WRONG! but i was there to avenge my discombobbulated fuzzy lil cop, so i proceeded. as i entered the gates (aka. "stalls") i grew more nervous and consequently closer to starting the race. now, every racer has a pre-race routine. cops was to place his ears parallel to the seat and stare at the water till it shook with his every breath (lmfao). mine, however, is to tempt the trigger with my left hand. y u ask wit hmy left hand? because i am left handed and i am most familliar with coaxing my favorite objects with it! and every pisser knows that if u counter-cross ur body with the other hand/arm/leg, etc., it is a horrific omen! so i did the impossible: used my right hand! then i did it....THE RACE WAS ON! i was at an unsteady flow at first, but then i realized it was jus me and hiim in that stall, and i was tha bigger man! so i pushed as hard as i have ever pushed in my life for that extra force to make up for lost time. then i realized someting....i had exceeded my limit for the day of gatorade rain, and my bladder was filled past the maximum! there was no way i could wil! unless.......i flush again-but with what? i have to use 2 hands to aim, or ill project all over the wall and be DQ'd! so i did the impossible: used my FOOT! as soon as i did it, i knew id win- so i continued on and as i ran out of man power, the flow was still goin strong. i did it. so i did my usual post-race squeezes and went back to c how my discouraged lil buddy was doin. he was much happier when i told him how i defeated...."THE BACKWARDS BECKLEY BEAST" and thats my story! i cant wait for u to have some good experiences of ur own!