I don't know if any of you heard or how many of you know what I'm talking about but Elias' son Manuel was stabbed several days ago. Even if you have no idea what I'm talking about you can still get something out of this... here's the facebook message from the Elias Fund:
We received word from Zimbabwe this morning that Manuel, our friend
Elias’ son, was stabbed trying to retrieve a bag of stolen sugar. Below
is the email from Mo Davy, a Zimbabwean friend -
From: mo davy
Subject: Manuel - please pray...
Date: December 7, 2007 2:06:41 AM EST
may need a bit of help. There has been the most awful tragedy. Manuel,
who spent the morning with us discussing the various subjects he was
going to take for his BCom, was stabbed this afternoon. Apparently
there was a lad n the village who stole some sugar Honest had been
given …Manuel went to reason with him this afternoon when he got home
from us. Anyway the lad then stabbed him once in the neck, then in the
head – hard enough to drive the knife right through the skull and into
his brain.
“Elias traveled with the ambulance as poor Servie
is too distraught to be able to –he’s been fitting a bit too, and it is
very distressing – especially with the knife still in.
I’m not
sure we will be able to find the amount that it will come too – it’s
going to be in the region of 50 billion – so that will come to about 30
thousand US if my figures are right. Could even be more depending how
things go – if he survives to have the surgery then he will need quite
a lot of expensive medication to reduce the brain swelling and so on.
just can’t believe it – he’s the nicest lad and so gentle and kind –
and Elias’ family – it feels as if one of our own boys have been hurt,
and it’s almost too much – seems there has been so much thrown at us
these last few weeks – just hope that it’s the dying kicks of satan…
please pray for Manuel.
Ndakasimba kana makasimbawo - “I am strong, you are strong.”
We are going to help. Please stand with us.
life is in danger; the need is urgent. To assist our friend Elias and
his family, we are creating an emergency medical fund - The Ndakasimba
The Elias Fund, together with our friends at the
Dispatch Foundation, pledge to donate any and all funds received over
the next month to help defray the enormous medical cost of this
To help online, please donate through our Elias Fund PayPal:
Ndakasimba Trust
Or go to the Elias Fund contribute page:
Elias Fund Contribute
Much Love,
-EF Crew
Please pray for Manuel and send some positive vibes down to Zimbabwe because it's a very sad state when someone can be stabbed like this over a bag of sugar. Obviously donating would go a long way too but that goes without saying.
Here's the link to do so if you're interested, hope it works: