WINTERisLIFE (12:29:10 AM): Is this reality shaped by reationary conciousness or preconcived divinity, or is there a difference?
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:29:50 AM): it all depeneds on your individual definition of divinity
WINTERisLIFE (12:30:13 AM): heh
WINTERisLIFE (12:30:18 AM): that just popped into my head
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:31:07 AM): interesting
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:34:07 AM): cause reactionary conciousness is a very cool subject in and of itself
WINTERisLIFE (12:35:03 AM): yeah
WINTERisLIFE (12:37:19 AM): but if all reactions are caused by those before them, then they have to trace back to a first reaction. this is why i think it could be preconcived, because there had to be a first reaction that shaped the rest of time.
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:40:19 AM): but if each reaction is rather an individual, having its own negative and positive energies, stemming from the emanation of the divine face, which has no beginning, there can be no relative preconception
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:40:47 AM): just a tidbit from my gnostic school of thought, not somethign anyone needs to prescribe to cause it takes a measure of faith
WINTERisLIFE (12:44:48 AM): but time had to start somwhere (the big bang if you belive in that theory) so do you think that this diving face existed when there was no matter (or matter was compressed into a singularity)
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:47:22 AM): well i think the divine faith in not a comprehensible being or force but rather an eternal compression of energy, time had to begin somehwhere, but i rather believe it is an illusion creted by Sargeras in order to decieve our splinters into trusting in the material world
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:48:05 AM): so as to move us a step further from the spheres of upper planes by trusting in the matter of time
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:48:15 AM): matter and time rather
WINTERisLIFE (12:48:57 AM): what does Sargeras have to gain by doing this
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:50:53 AM): Sargeras is a negative emanation and gain/loss is not a relative or feasible concept for an emanation, so that is irrelevant in the illusion of time theory
WINTERisLIFE (12:52:01 AM): well i mean why would he want to decive us
WINTERisLIFE (12:52:36 AM): not that he wants either
WINTERisLIFE (12:52:40 AM): but you know what i mean
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:54:05 AM): well decpetion is in his nature, he worked with the birth father of the old testament in splintering the matter sphere and creating human splinters in the first place, so he would rather keep the splinters as far from return as possible even though the birth father is long gone
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:54:10 AM): so he is in a sense continuing a legacy
WINTERisLIFE (12:55:19 AM): where has the birth father gone
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:56:51 AM): well he was yet another emanation but he was the angry side of the divine face, he gave birth to human splinters, but as the angered divinty of the old testament filtered into the Christophene and other emanatory beings of the new testament he became in a sense archaic and was regathered
WINTERisLIFE (12:58:14 AM): what caused the change
ZAOEMBODY86 (12:58:51 AM): the change from birth father to christophene emanations?
WINTERisLIFE (12:59:28 AM): yeah
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:01:27 AM): well after the Macabees and other splinter judeo-christain groups left the promised land, the upper spheres were shifted in conjunction with the divine face redirecting the splinters to re forma new Jerusalem
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:01:55 AM): so he no longer wanted the splinters of Jerus to be imprisoned in the flesh
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:02:10 AM): for he was ready to re form the body and bride of Jerusalem
WINTERisLIFE (1:03:08 AM): if these entities are outside of time then how come they react in a linear fashon
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:03:32 AM): as far as reacting to the progession of splinters?
WINTERisLIFE (1:03:39 AM): yeah
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:05:50 AM): cause that should answer your question, the splinters are bound by the illusion of time, so in sense the pure emantions are as well (entities are a different story) are bound, though not bound in the enslaved sense we are, but they are rather obligated to follow our meanderings across the points to fufill Jesusalem's rebirth
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:06:45 AM): were we not present which will be the case in Jerusalem's rebirth, all tigns will be eternal and forver occuring and being
WINTERisLIFE (1:07:36 AM): i see, the eminations are bound to our progress while entaties are not
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:08:07 AM): well entities are actually splinters like ourselves, but have more assembly and order than we do
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:08:59 AM): so in a sense we as splinter are like a puzzle, a 4-d one spanning aross all planes, but most are only one or possiubly 2 splinters put toghther
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:09:09 AM): an entity would be 10 or 20
WINTERisLIFE (1:09:18 AM): so are the eminations bound to the entitys too
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:09:44 AM): like for example, sofia, rasputin, etc
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:10:02 AM): no for an emanation is a driect line from a sphere, or in 1 or 2 cases the divine face itsekf
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:10:10 AM): they are not splintered beings
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:10:26 AM): they rather have to follow the paths of the splinteredbeings to reform one of thier own
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:10:35 AM): or be re drawn into the spehre of exsistence
WINTERisLIFE (1:11:40 AM): how can a person be 2 splinters
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:12:56 AM): as a person 'dies' as we call it, thier spliner is often to redrawn to the sphere unless they truly followed and were enlightend in many thigns too numerous to explain here
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:13:27 AM): so thier splinter rather stays in a hibernation state in the void
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:14:19 AM): or area between planes, and as spinters who are still iving meditate, or move through planes, the void smust also be traversed, and many in doing so pick up a hibernating splinter
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:14:44 AM): what many christains like to call an 'encounter with the living God'
WINTERisLIFE (1:15:02 AM): if somone was enlightened as so, wouldent it assist them in returning to the sphere because they were already closer? why would they hibernate
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:15:43 AM): sorry if the wording was wierd thats what i was trying to say there, if you are enlighted as so you often return to the sphere upon completion, the rest hibernate
WINTERisLIFE (1:16:05 AM): and if you encounter a hibernating splinter, wouldent you just learn from it not pick it up
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:16:31 AM): well it all depends, thats where the meditative arts comes into major play
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:16:57 AM): different types of meditation yiled different results when encountering a hibernating splinter
WINTERisLIFE (1:17:45 AM): so if you pick one up it's with you until you die
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:18:30 AM): yes at at this point you return to the sphere for 2 splinters is all that can be combined in human form
WINTERisLIFE (1:19:06 AM): but are you aware of it's presence for the rest of your life
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:19:19 AM): oh very much so
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:19:29 AM): its no question when you pick one up either
WINTERisLIFE (1:20:38 AM): so they comunicate with you constantly for the rest of you life? like a voice in your head?
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:20:51 AM): no
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:21:05 AM): more like an quiet undertstanding
WINTERisLIFE (1:22:09 AM): do you have 2 splinters
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:22:44 AM): i dont think so, some think i do cause of one experince i had during the summer but i think it was just an intenbse interaction
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:23:00 AM): it wasnt quite the Xtian 'encounter '
WINTERisLIFE (1:23:57 AM): whats that
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:25:26 AM): well like i was saying many charismatic and overzealous Xtians seem to think they have encounters with God or Jesus on occasion like a extremely extremely spiritual moment, not like they felt warm while they prayed but like a total life changin experiecene
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:25:33 AM): thats the best analogy i can give
WINTERisLIFE (1:26:52 AM): thats strange that one specific religion has those similar 'experiences'
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:27:21 AM): well im not saying only Xtains
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:27:45 AM): i mean if a bhuddist says he found god while on earth
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:28:03 AM): or a hindu was able to eliminate fleshly desires and achieve balance
WINTERisLIFE (1:28:22 AM): yeah but why do a larger majoraty of xtains belive they see god than other religions
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:28:32 AM): or a wiccan was to feel a special connectedness to the God/Godess
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:28:38 AM): cause they are elitists
WINTERisLIFE (1:30:48 AM): well bhudists become enlightened when they stop clinging
WINTERisLIFE (1:31:23 AM): /stop desiring
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:31:39 AM): like i saoid xtains have a horribly narrow view, thinking that they can directly see 'God' rather than realkizing that they are very far lie most other ones eem to realize
WINTERisLIFE (1:32:11 AM): they think they actualy see god visualy
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:32:41 AM): yes once in a while cause they have a image of an old man i a white robe with lighting comeing from his hands
WINTERisLIFE (1:33:02 AM): haha
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:33:06 AM): when in realty is thier grandfather being struck by lightning
WINTERisLIFE (1:33:10 AM): hahahaha
WINTERisLIFE (1:34:03 AM): he must have sleepwalked into the front yard in his bathrobe
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:34:29 AM): yeah gotta love charismatic xtians
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:34:41 AM): going to hell if there was such a place in a handbasket
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:35:04 AM): or rather sitting around hibernatingfor eternity once time ceases
WINTERisLIFE (1:36:05 AM): gettin poked with hot pitchforks
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:36:40 AM): but im not here to beat people with my diatribe of Pyrrhic Gnosticism, just to defend it if it is attacked
WINTERisLIFE (1:37:22 AM): yeah
WINTERisLIFE (1:37:58 AM): how do you think time will end
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:38:47 AM): well i think time will come to and end with Sargeras, for as Jerusalem is rebirthed, he will be redrawn into his sphere
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:39:03 AM): and therefore his hold will be released
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:39:57 AM): when? i cant give you an answer on that one
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:39:59 AM): just how
WINTERisLIFE (1:40:37 AM): what will cause the rebirth of jerusalum
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:41:35 AM): whenthe splinters are reclimed and the original emanaition can be fufilled
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:41:41 AM): back to divine face
WINTERisLIFE (1:42:44 AM): but what will cause the splinters to become reclimed
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:43:33 AM): its actually one of the hardest pats of gnosticism to explain but ill try
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:44:12 AM): as each person dies and either goes back to a sphere or hibernates
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:44:27 AM): they add to the 4-d puzzle i was talking about
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:44:35 AM): even if they are hibernating
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:45:25 AM): which is hard to understand but they are adding becasue they are not prsent and being influenced by time or matter
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:45:51 AM): so they though they are hibernating also add to the puzzle
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:46:06 AM): so obviously every person the entire eartth is not needed to reform jerus
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:47:13 AM): once the critical mass is resolved ( which actually is really interstingly related to the golden ratio, temple dimensions and the mystery of Rennes le Chateau
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:47:37 AM): those in hibernation will 'resolve a living person on earth'
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:48:03 AM): or basically the critical mass has to so when the number of hibernating splinters equals that of thoswe on earth living
WINTERisLIFE (1:48:13 AM): so once the puzzle is complete this will happen, but no one knows when the puzzle will be complete
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:48:34 AM): no, but plenty are trying to figure it out
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:48:59 AM): its never made clear in crowley's wrtings or the gnostic bible whether it will ever be figured
WINTERisLIFE (1:49:10 AM): i was reading about rennes le chateau but i couldent find much actualy information
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:49:19 AM): it may but in that moent the mass may be reached
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:49:58 AM): go the library and ask for books on it there are two very goods ones
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:50:13 AM): they can bget them from interlibrary loan if they dont them there
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:50:27 AM): just dont say anyhtign to my mom about me suggesting you get them
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:50:34 AM): if you happen to go to brainard
WINTERisLIFE (1:50:51 AM): i just read what little information is on the danny carry website
WINTERisLIFE (1:51:01 AM): yeah i'm going to tell her everything you said
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:51:02 AM): yeah that is purposefully mysterious
WINTERisLIFE (1:51:02 AM): lol
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:51:18 AM): she wont know what youre talking about but then shell tell my churh to pray for me
WINTERisLIFE (1:51:34 AM): lol
WINTERisLIFE (1:53:29 AM): the middletown library has more books
WINTERisLIFE (1:53:52 AM): so does the comunity college one
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:54:20 AM): well those are suggested readings if you ewant to further delve into planar travel etc
WINTERisLIFE (1:55:32 AM): how do you think sacred geometry is related to all of this
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:56:28 AM): read the books and youll undertsnad how buildings form pentcles, unicursals, septuagints, soloman's seals, pentacles, hexagrams, and many mroe too numerous to name
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:56:53 AM): and sites as well, while many have for example 4 points of a pentacle
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:57:13 AM): but are missing a 5th, with it being located in the ocean somehwere, or in a remote land mass
ZAOEMBODY86 (1:57:50 AM): it is these spots which need to be investigated, and further understanding can be gained
WINTERisLIFE (1:59:17 AM): what about meditation on these shapes, do you think there is understanding to be gained from that
ZAOEMBODY86 (2:00:26 AM): well the meditation on shapes is a different type actually, geometry mediatation often leads to worldly and chronological understanding
ZAOEMBODY86 (2:00:33 AM): for shapes are bound to this world
WINTERisLIFE (2:01:31 AM): yeah
ZAOEMBODY86 (2:01:50 AM): so the answer is yes, but not in any planar sense
ZAOEMBODY86 (2:03:35 AM): well i am traversing the sleepscape, any other quesions before i leave
WINTERisLIFE (2:04:41 AM): no, interesting conversation
ZAOEMBODY86 (2:04:48 AM): yes very
WINTERisLIFE (2:04:58 AM): night
ZAOEMBODY86 (2:05:52 AM): and you know this as well as anyone but search for yourself and fins what is most true and dear, for that is the fufillment of life . . .farewell
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