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Frat Boys = Lowest comon denominator of society
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Karma: 10
I used to think frats were lame until I watched Animal House. Now I think they were probably pretty cool in the 60s, when nobody else on campus ever partied.
Posts: 2526
Karma: 64
there is like 4 people and the rest i can care less
Posts: 11626
Karma: 3,522
Posts: 421
Karma: 16
frats aer for homos,that video is rediculkous, that one frat leader is such a pussy he is always like "IM GONNA FUCKING SMASH YOUR HEAD INSIDE OUT!!!!!!" hahahaha fucking faggots
Posts: 2526
Karma: 64
that i'm a chill kid. not some liberal hippy but i don't go around being an asshole. too high or burnt out most of the time
Posts: 11499
Karma: 342
ya frats are pretty much gay as shit.
Posts: 404
Karma: 66
I did the whole pledge thing when i first started college and i lasted maybe 3 weeks. Its funny because you cant wait till you are on your own and away then you think oh shit i guess ill check it out and then u have to do all this shit for what? to become part of something you will forget about once u graduate? but anyways i quit after a guy like the guy in the video spit on me, told me he fucked my girlfriend at the time and made an horrible statement about my brother who passed away 7 years ago. i had to have people hold me back. fuck frats.. there are maybe 3 cool guys that you might want to hang out with but the other can all go fuck eachother because thats what brotherhood is about.. being homosexuals together...
Posts: 2598
Karma: 18
I know of a kid that had to give a blowjob to get into his frat.
Imagine the lengths some will go to to "belong."
Posts: 867
Karma: 21
how insecure do you have to be? going through mental and physical hell to hang out with a bunch of guys all the time? that sounds pretty gay if you ask me. which explains why they all yell all the time and are like "i'm gonna fuckin crush some fuckin pussy tonight! ahh fucking yea, i'm gona fuckin fuck the fuckin shit out of that fuckin pussy, fuck yea mother fucker." i may be wrong on this one, but excessive use of profanity is a sign of insecutiry, the person believes the more they swear the more people will think thay are dominant and manly. also the fact they are only strong while in a gang like unit.
Posts: 260
Karma: 10
Yeah...notice how that was filmed in like the 90's and in a jersey trashed filled area....If you seriously think thats what fraternities are like you are ill informed. Im in a fraternity and we have a higher GPA then the all campus GPA. Also we dont haze at all. Joining my fraternity was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. To have a brother pretty much anywhere I travel is a pretty good feeling. Yeah we party but who doesnt? Its about much more than partying like support and brotherhood. And I will agree there are some fraternities that just are a bunch of asshole drunks but for the most part thats not true. Also, form your own opinion...seriously are you going to believe everything you see?
Posts: 21097
Karma: 8,540
what you guys don't realize is that hating on the "frat guys" makes you no better than them. according to all of you, "frat guys" are elitist douchebags, yet all of you are being elitist douchebags by saying they are the scum of society.
Posts: 11499
Karma: 342
negative. ya i have met some cool frat kids before some are my friends buttttt it is very true about the whole im getting pussy pussy this pussy that im in a frat so i can fuck whoever. i have seen that aaaalllllllloooooooooot!
Posts: 21097
Karma: 8,540
yeah? I know "frat guys" like that too, but I also know guys who hate frats that are like that. the stereotype doesn't just hold true to (some) guys in fratutnities, it holds true to society in general.
Posts: 4210
Karma: 124
All I can say is that when you join a frat and turn out like the guys in this video (not anyone who joins one) that it doesn't matter what coast you're from, you're still an asshole. And yeah there are probably more guys like this on the east because most of the Ivy League colleges are on the east they attract people with this elitest attitude demostrated in this documentary. That doesn't mean that you can assume that any asswipe in a frat is from the east, thats just silly. As for me, I'll be a happy person by avoiding befriending these people and not caring about their super, elite, clubs.
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
none of you know what true frattyness is.
Frattyness is not american eagle and hair gel, those are abominations upon true fraternities- Ones in the South. Frattyness is not wearing abercrombie, ae and all that gay ass mall shit, its about wearing croakies with sunglasses, sperry topsiders. khakis without cargo pockets and under a 9 inch inseam.
Its about wearing outerwear made by companies other than the north face, about wearing costa del mars, about being classy.
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
none of you know what true frattyness is.
Frattyness is not american eagle and hair gel, those are abominations upon true fraternities- Ones in the South. Frattyness is not wearing abercrombie, ae and all that gay ass mall shit, its about wearing croakies with sunglasses, sperry topsiders. khakis without cargo pockets and under a 9 inch inseam.
Its about wearing outerwear made by companies other than the north face, about wearing costa del mars, about being classy, andshacking with hot sorostitures reppin pearls and sun dresses.
Posts: 21097
Karma: 8,540
is that a serious comment?
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
Posts: 4869
Karma: 20
Coming from atlantaski, yeah it is.
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
Navy Seals Buds training could be considered hazing, its made to make you a stronger person and for you and your pledgebrothers to band together and help each other survive pledgeship.
Posts: 5842
Karma: 35
youre such a douche its unbelievable haha. Although, shorts with under 9 inch inseam are sweet. My running shorts have a 4 inch inseam, straight ballin
Posts: 2452
Karma: 14
most of the frats (UBC) here aren't even allowed to have parties anymore, cause one of the frats (beta) got caught putting date rape in at least 8 girls' drinks.
Posts: 11499
Karma: 342
ya your also becoming a navy seal.... not joining a frat.
Posts: 583
Karma: 11
haha true dat
i live in the PNW
and ive been to east coast cities and i truly believe in general (not everyone just in a general bases)
people from the PNW are nicers
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
fuck the west coast, its been proven that the south is superior to the rest of the country.
Posts: 1480
Karma: 15
^^^ yeah thats why there is so much racism and shit in the south because you guys think your better then everyone. The south is fucked up. and you guys should get over yourselves cause the union won
Posts: 11295
Karma: 502
While I generally agree, frats do have very pervasive negative tendencies. That is not to say that they are all like this, but many (not just one as you are trying to simplify it) are. It may not really be rampant, nor anywhere to the extreme as in the video, but it does exist across the country (and elsewhere) to a decent degree.
Posts: 12973
Karma: 500
true humor right here. Seriously though, you can't actually believe that, you just like getting a reaction from people.
Posts: 3096
Karma: 44
yeah someone earlier said it perfectly
you don't need to undergo hazing in order to sit on a couch taking bong hits and playing madden.
my reason for hating frats is, they love to pick fights. even gmack when he was defending frats listed having people to unconditionally back you up as a benefit of being in a frat. sorry I don't need 6 bros to kick one guy's ass for me, I'd rather just avoid a fight and be a nice person to other people.
oh and jeffersondavis/atlantaski...wearing preppy clothes doesn't make you classy.
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
whatever we embarassed y'all for 4 years of the war and didn't commit war crimes or have a nearly authoritarian gov't as the lincoln regime did.
I occasionally wipe my ass with 5 dollar bills to this day because i hate lincoln so much.
Posts: 5842
Karma: 35
lie. Get your facts right. Google andersonville prison campÂ
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
awww booo hooo andersonville, how about Sherman's March to Sea?? Where his troops raped and pillaged many a southern woman and slave.
Posts: 1480
Karma: 15
^^^^DO you support slavery? Cause if you do you are a fucked up person. the Union still won nuff said
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
Actually the union didnt give a shit about the slaves. Abraham lincoln used it as a convenient issue to gain votes from abolitionists when he was trying to get re-elected. He's actually quoted on record on saying he could care less about the slaves. On the other hand, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E Lee were both in favor of freeing the slaves, and in favor of offering slaves freedom for their service to the confederacy. Stonewall Jackson's closest confidant was black as well.
The South seceded due to unfair taxes on agriculture imposed on the south and the lack of states' rights, slavery wasn't even an issue to the south, since 1. There were more slaves in the North in 1860 that weren't freed until 1865 and 2. most southern slaves were treated well and even wanted to go back to being slaves after they were freed, because they had no idea what to do with their new freedom.
Most of the socio-economic problems in the african american community can be directly linked to the north destroying the southern infrastructure and freeing the slaves.
Posts: 1480
Karma: 15
I just know that the south was notoriously racist, and people can see it even today with events such as the Jena 6.
I think also that the reason why African Americans are in bad shape economically is cause when they were freed America still treated them as dirt and were not willing to educate them. Thats why they segregated the schools because they did not want to give blacks good education. Many Black people are uneducated at this point in time and thats why they are in bad shape as a whole. The south was the epicenter of the majority of segregation.
Posts: 5842
Karma: 35
i said nothing about shermans march to sea. I just pointed out that your statement was a flat out lie. Thats it.
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
the jena six is bullshit, it was a hate crime.
Posts: 6650
Karma: 1,645
I watched it all. I wanted to see more of the lifestyle aspects.
Posts: 2587
Karma: 2,463
sorry top rain on youre parade, but ive seen it before, at a conference, and its fake, all of it. it was made for hbo, but the national fraternity and school found out, stopped production, and it was never aired. PS im a member of that same fratenity, at a different school, and we arent like that, and even if we were, fuck you.
Posts: 915
Karma: 95
Ok while there are a TON of frats like this, they're not all. My roommate rushed a frat and started pledge process but didn't finish, they still love him and our whole room is always invited to their parties. Not a single person at these parties is like these assholes, they're all so tight and so nice to everyone. I mean sure there's a lot of drinking at the parties, some pot smoking, PIckin up chicks and shit. But it's not like this. So don't judge ALLL frats as being like these fags.
Posts: 1126
Karma: 10
you do realize the civil war ended some 140 years ago, i hope. how can some of you southerners seriously still dwell on something this old.
Posts: 4765
Karma: 153
once I'm out I really won't care to see most people again. I live at a summer house all summer and I never see any of the kids from my town when I go out or go to the movies etc. I love it until I'm back in school and I'm like damn I don't want to see any of you.
Posts: 320
Karma: 9
I graduated there last year, and never been inside a frat house, been to tons of awesome party's had lots of friends, I just find these places are full of people that are in the mind set of its their world and your just living in it.
Posts: 232
Karma: 10
Posts: 464
Karma: 748
For sure bro,
Genuine individuals and ignorant people do not hail from a specific geographic location, they are in every culture, every race, every social class, and every sect of society. I go to school in Colorado, where Frat boys are assholes. Not because they're confident, in shape, or have any contribution to campus life, but more because they enjoy flaunting their parent's finances to get girls. Sadly, these are some of the most insecure and uninspired individuals I have ever encountered. I'm worried about these guys, they're drowning in ignorance and fail to recognize a better life.
Posts: 217
Karma: 11
the guy in the beginning of the movie looks terified.
and frats suck. a few friends and i went to a frat party and after a few hours i lost one of my friends (who is a fairly lightweight and asks me to keep track of her) and went upstairs to find her being fucking raped by one of the frat guys. upon pulling his ass off her and deliver a thurough ass kicking, i find 3 vials of rohpynol in his pocket.
rugby players kick ass tho!!!
Posts: 21097
Karma: 8,540
holy shit man. i'm sorry you had to experience something like that. if that ever happened at my "frat" the other brothers would join you in beating his ass. that's just fucked. faggots like that are the ones that keep the stereotype going.
Posts: 859
Karma: 40
I got kicked out of a frat for twisting up.
I go to UVM too,
got kicked out of a frat for rolling a joint!
i was so surprised haha, i was gonna give them a chance too, but kicked out for gooning is fucked up!
he claimed that the only drugs they 'allow' are all alcohol. i was about to get into the dangers of alcohol vs weed, but i realized the kid tryin to kick me out was obviously wasted, so i didnt even start, and just decided to enjoy my joint elsewhere since i didnt even wanna be around dickhead frat boys for the night anyways..
hahah the funniest part was when i was rollin out after finishing the twisting of my dube, i saw some kid that i knew from the frat, and i asked if he wanted to get down on my j, which he said i didnt have to ask him twice about, i knew he loved gooning, so he played perfectly into my plan... then before he made it to the door, one of his 'brothers' who was busting my ass called him out, and he never came out with me.
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