Oakley Backpack- used twice
Dell Latitude CSx Laptop- 20gig harddrive, pci wireless adapter, charger
Winbook J4- bought it from finger13, bad ass laptop, 30gig harddrive, 1gig memory, dvd burner, charger, usb internet adapter
Samsung SCD103 vid cam- comes with kenko fisheye, tripod, ion battery, case, charger, car charger, and like 3 tapes
Brand new 8gig Ipod Nano- comes with everything, box, cable, bag if ya want
Sony PSP- custom firmware which allows u to play copied or downloaded psp games, ps1 games, any kind of gameboy games, snes, nes, sega, basically any system games, yellow faceplate, still have original faceplate, two 1gig mem cards, case and charger
30gig Ipod Video- comes with cable and crocheted case cuz im balla like that
Emachines Desktop- 160gig harddrive, 1gig mem, dvd burner, and is runny TinyXP, which is crazy fast, takes like 10 seconds to fully load, runs games like mad, such a baller Operating system
just throw some offers at me, need to get rid of this stuff... a thank ya