2006-2007 TNKs(jean graphics). mounted at 2 cm back from true center with deadbolt 16 bindings. (black). hands down most favorite ski i have ever skied. but i got sponsored by a shop and they dont carry 4frnt so i am forced to sell these. they were skied about 5 times. slid a few boxes(5-10) but no rails. edges are still super sharp and are not rounded at all. a few top sheet nicks but but nothing major just some SMALL ones. bases are perfect! they are mounted for a 26.5 boot. they were mounted twice. once for a marker demo binding. they were demos but only skied 3 times as demos.
its still pretty much in perfect shape so i will start off at 300$ plus shipping. pics are availible if you MUST have them. they are kind of a hassle but if you must have them i will try and get some. thanks