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Try 3's (obviously), and get grabs into them. then move onto 5's, and get grabs in them, and 7's, and so on. Then try backies, fronts, and misties. Then when you get to wanting to learn complicated flips (flatspins, rodeos) and corked spins, hit up a summercamp, and learn them there.
Just remember, whatever you try, you are gonna fall at some point. It's impossible to learn how to do tricks without falling first. When you are afraid of falling, you will not progress. However, falling is not a bad thing. When you fall, you normally get back up, realize the trick is doable, grab your skis, and you do it again. After repeating what I said in the last sentence, You will sooner or later get the trick, whether it be rails, or your first 540.
Also, when you throw the 3, just remember the importance of popping off the lip: that means that when you come into the jump, have a lot of forward shin pressure on your boots, and when you hit the top of the lip, jumping as far forward/up as you can. This will make you much more in control in the air, and if you are landing backseat on your 3's, it's because you are not popping.
Good Luck, Sack Up, and get good at skiing!