Nice work Mr. Schmuck.... You sir have a way with the essay form of communication.
There are probably alot of points of view swirling around out there right now about the whole "no jump" thing. On NS I think the main thesis would have to be "what were they thinking?"
Now don't kill me for this, but... Maybe RCR is right, maybe the safety of the consumer is paramount over the fun. Don't get me wrong, I think that this decision is super whack and just doesn't make sense. I think that the people who made this decision, shouldn't be in charge of a huge corporation, because clearly for them the easy most direct way to the exit is the way they make their decisions. That is not how you do business and its not how you win clients in a consumer driven world. I can almost guarantee that anyone who called in, emailed, or mailed a letter of commendation to RCR for making this decision was not a parent or relative of a kid who rides park on a regular basis, thus making their opinion invalid.
Anyone who has eaten shit on a jump inside or outside the park can tell you that it sucks, or it would be called eating candy canes. It hurts to crash and pain is inherent in any situation where there is a long drop to a sudden stop. The stunts are dangerous kid! But thats the point. If there wasn't an element of danger; who would do it? That is part of the fun. Limiting the actual danger is the job of the resort and the people involved. That includes the rider... when Louise had the comment boxes, the parks were pretty sick, no lie. Even last year the jumps were pretty good I think. Smaller, but still... good.
I also am completely disillusioned by this Matt Mosteller (or whatever) guy, I call complete bullshit on anyone who says a major precedent setting lawsuit doesn't sway their decision one way or another. He has to watch his ass now, one jerk off does it, now anyone can. I don't know the dood that hurt himself, I don't care about him. What I do care about is my sport, and its future... 1st its jumps, then what? when people start getting super gaysted on rails etc, thats all folks, see ya jibbin! After that, well goodbye pipe riding... want to talk about expensive?
Anyways, here is my point, yes what we do is dangerous, and we should take full responsibility for our abilities and actions. But you cant count on people for that, not now, not ever. There will always be that guy suing someone else for something he/she is at fault for. Im sure Tim Horton's decision to put warnings on their coffee cups had nothing to do with the lawsuit against Macdonald's for their hot coffee burning a retarded lady in the states, right? When airbags came out... people claimed that they took more lives than they saved... but did the automobile industry stop making them and throwing them in every corner of your car? No, they improved them, tested them, made sure they were doing the right thing.
This isn't much different... do the research, find out what works, find a level of safety that helps the industry. Minimize the danger, maximize the safety, keep it fun... I don't think it is hard. If you have been to Snowpark in NZ, Mammoth, Bear in cali, Whistler, or any number of well managed well funded, well thought out parks, than you can see it can be done. No sweat... well alot of sweat, and hard work actually.
RCR copped out on its customers, they looked you in the eye and told you to fuck yourselves. Don't support them, show them as a community we can make a difference. They may not change their minds, but at least they'll loose a large income stream. These people are lying to you, and don't care.
Finally, for all you people out west: come on down to sunshine. The jumps are made of real snow, so when you eat candy canes... its not so bad! (plus we got 20 g's in new rails and boxes!)
double K