So I pretty much just got into skiing in general last year. I bought a pair of invaders near the end of the season and used them about 8 times or so. Well since I am a novice to skiing in general I never got my skis waxed... well they were sitting in my basement the entire summer drying up. I take them out to try out a summer rail me and some friends made and see that the entire bases are dried up, look really white, base color faded. I took it to the shop today and they said what i predicated; that the bases were pretty much shot. I was talking to the guy and he said that I would pretty much need to wax my skis everyday to make them move, (I don’t know if he was over exaggerating) so I had the shop to do a retune. I live in the mid-west so I’m not going to be hitting any POW and my resort is pretty much on a small hill, the only thing we have is a decent terrain park.
So here is my question, if I do use hot wax every week or so on my skis will they be able to last through this season "well" or would I be better off just buying new skis. Everything in general about the skis are in good shape expect for the damage I have done, so i really would hate to have to buy new skis when just barley using them. So what do you guys think, if I do a good job waxing will they be able to hold up. Or I’m I better off getting a quick job to buy some skis before my season starts. Thanks