ok, by far my two favorite movies this year...now the analysis
Realtime has everything you want from a L1P film, crazy park shots, creative urban, and an overall great vibe...i thought the music was pretty good but some of the shots are single handedly worth buying the film for...such as Adam Delorme's switch 270 onto the down box (if you've seen the film, you know why), wiley miller's cab cork 9 in the powder shooting with the snowboarders, tom wallisch doing wat he does best, ahmet's cab 12's, quarterpipe? rodeo 9's double mute, mike clarke showing off the hometown skills (waterville), and of course the creative back country/japan segments L1P always throws in there...there are many others that throw down for this film also, travis redd and stefan thomas kill it along with everyone else...i just wanted to throw some of the must sees abou this film. ps, i forgot to mention c. vanular killing the urban along with mike hornebck and others.
ok, now for enjoy...i thought the music was good...as mentioned, taylor felton kills it, plenty of novelty/crowd pleasing backflips, left 9 to right 9 with much style...tom wallisch altho his segment is short with only a few shots, it's worth watching. Richard Permin puts out stupid grabs that look like they shouldnt even happen such as his double tail, ahmet's segment, all urban, all good...tim durtchi throws down and i beleive it's him who throws quadruple shifty 3 (a must see). The big mountain shots rage uses are pretty dope if your into that stuff and all...i know there's many more in this film who kill it but im gonna end it by saying that ian cosco's segment could be the main reason to buy enjoy, that's it...
In conclusion, my opinion, buy both if u can...christmas is coming up ask for them, if you can't buy both buy one and have a friend buy the other and trade...don't go too long though without seeing both of these films...2 thumbs up for both L1P, Rage, and all the riders in both