Well to start it out, my Normal Doc put me on Tetrocycline, it worked, kind of, but she decided to ramp it up a bit to Doxocyl, which is almos the same thing. Then I went to see my uncle, who is a DERMO, and knows what's up. He put me on some Menoblahblah stuff, and after a few months I came back bitching about this and that, and he said I could do accutane, that its a miracle drug, and that the counts of suicide had nothing to do with taking the drug. The kid that crashed the plane wasn't even taking the drug, he just had it at home. I've been on Accutane for about 2 months, and my "break out" stage is over, knock on wood.
On to the side effects I have witnessed. My lips are chapped as fuck. I have to re apply chap stick about every hour or they get nasty and scabby. Every morning the skin on my face is dry as hell, but my uncle being a dermo, I have some lotion stuff that is bomb. Also the skin on my arms and hands is starting to get dry, but its not to bad. I get some nasty dry ass boogers, and when I pick them out I get some nasty nose bleeds. I've bled all over my carpet in the middle of the night, because the blood just flows. I had a terrible nose bleed at school that lasted for 10 minutes, and ruined my shirt. I get mood swings. I'm not making it up, I actually do get mood swings. I've felt happiness all day at school, and then I come home and stuff is still going good for me, but all the sudden I'm down in the dumps. It pisses me off, but the medicine actually started to kick in and it works nice, so I'm dealing with it. The monthly blood test isn't a huge deal, especially cause the guy I've been going to is a jolly old fat guy who is hilarious. It also raised my cholestrol to a ridiculous level (285) but I also have a cholestrol problem in my family's genes, so it was kind of expected. Theres not much I can do about it except eat as healthy as possible and ride it out for the next four months.
So dude, go for accutane, my uncles a dermo, and he'll put anyone on it, my acne wasn't even that bad, and he's trusting it to help me out.
Good luck :)