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Democratic Debate on tonight
Posts: 4740
Karma: 40
Lets see if Obama and Hillary live up to all the fucking hype they have created (they wont, they will dodge all the tough questions, just watch, i cant wait to watch them squirm). Lets see if they talk about giving ILLEGAL immigrants drivers licenses again or another kooky idea they have cooked up in their evil lab.
Hopefully they ask some tough questions, instead of easy ass patriotic bullshit. Im rooting for Kucinich, Biden, Dodd, they are light years ahead of Obama and Hillary (the clones). I wish they didnt focus on HIlary all the time, but typical mainstream media, will no doubt give Hilary and Obama all the time, even though they are the shittiest choices.
Posts: 6685
Karma: 511
yeah i have to study for 2 exams so can you tape it for me man?
ahha damnit
Posts: 4740
Karma: 40
Turn on Hannity and Colmes right now on the Fox news channel.
Posts: 825
Karma: 11
what channel's the debate on?
Posts: 4740
Karma: 40
I have satellite, directTV. Its on Fox news channel, 360
Check either CNN or all fox channels if you have them
Posts: 1879
Karma: 19
what time does/did the debate start?
Posts: 825
Karma: 11
Posts: 5608
Karma: 392
I can hardly wait for Hilary to win, then i wont have to work, and the government will pay for it all: food stamps, health care. I wont need to provide for my family, the government will do it
Posts: 4740
Karma: 40
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
you are taking this election waaaay to personally. when you have taken a personal hatred against other candidates. look around the site and you won't see any other people talking that kind of shit about paul, they just disagree with his policies. you, sir, need to chill. if the debate is going to get your blood boiling that badly, turn it off.
Posts: 2061
Karma: 27
So i'm not an american....i haven't been following anything closely...but i watched the debate and the only canidate that really made any sense, stood his ground, wasn't a pussy about shit and had good points was Dennis Kucinich. I want to know what other people think of him? Is he full of bs? So far, if i had a vote...he would get it. I never hear support for him and don't know why though?
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
Posts: 2163
Karma: 16
so they have our presidential debates on TV in Canada? that's a little strange. are they on anywhere else?
Posts: 9067
Karma: 330
i hope that was a bad attempt at sarcasm
Posts: 2954
Karma: 14
You need to realize that in American politics, many people don't even like who they vote for, it's just that they think that candidate is probably the best of those that are actually viable. If you're not clearly electable, your pretty much already fucked.
Posts: 4740
Karma: 40
Kucinich is probably one of the more intelligent ones of the bunch, in between him and Joe Biden. CNN ignored him for the most part which is sad to see. He is an underdog and actually might have more support than people think.
Hilary and Obama did the worst in this debate in my opinion, the rest were alot more interesting. The democratic debates would seriously be awesome if they took out hillary and obama.
Flip Flopper hillary now says she is against Drivers licenses! WTF?! Meanwhile, Obama still believes they should be able to get them. sigh.......
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
The only difference between out of status immigrants (the highly touted "illegals") and "legal" immigrants is opportunity. The masses of "illegal" immigrants here do not want to be here illegally, and they simply haven't been given the opportunity to gain status. Most "illegals" are actually people who came here and overstayed legal visas since the administrative BS to wade through to get a green card is nearly impossible.
Living and working here illegally, in terms of actual law, is a civil infraction, on par with jaywalking (to be deported and then to come back though is a criminal offense). That out of status immigrants be allowed to get drivers licenses makes sense, seeing as they're going to drive anyways, regardless, which puts other people in danger.
I think that allowing for out of status immigrants to become legal drivers is very much a smart idea, seeing as they may simply be waiting for status, and/or have kids to feed or help through driving...
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