^good post
most people on here it seems like think that we are saying everyone should be able to go get a ccw permit, which is totally false. actually most college students would not even be able to obtain one because of MIPS. I am not sure if this is the case across the country but i know of several states where a CCW will not be given to someone with a misdemeanor. also it is important to note the training required for a ccw. I know several people that have gone through this class, which is several days long, and they said it was very intense. the classes are not just teaching you gun safety or shooting accuratly, its more about the mental part of having a ccw, and making good decisions under intense pressures. i dont think any of us on here from the big bad, stupid, ignorant, redneck, hick, dumb fuck, group that supports responsible gun ownership, feel everyone should be able to go out and buy a pistol and carry it concealed. our views are far from this. I am not going to speak for the group on this one, but my opinion is that ccws should be equally obtainable across the country, and all states should accept other states ccws. its a real bitch if you have a ccw in michigan and want to visit montana for a vacation, and are driving, since chicago is a total criminal empowerment zone, and several states deny michigan ccws, even tho montana accepts the permit. Â
i really cant even believe how ignorant some of the replys are on here. i am not going to argue with all that shit, its just not worth my time. quoting statistics from other countries in regards to "Gun Deaths" in comparison to how easy it is to obtain a gun, is just retarded. there are so many other factors involved.
In a newsweek article they said that civils shoot and kill twice as many criminals as police do each year. Also, the article stated that the "error rate" (shooting someone that was innocent) was 2 percent for ccw holders and for police was 11 percent. Vermot has a genuine right to carry law requiring no permits, and boasts the 49th lowest crime rate in the nation and the 47th lowest murder rate. More guns really equal more deaths eh? I could right pages of stats like this, but most of you are going to read the first few lines of this post and then come back and bitch me out for being a stupid redneck so thats a waste of time. oh and btw all the people i know with ccws are the most responsible, law abiding citizens i know. they dont drink and drive, they never have even a beer and carry a gun afterwards, etc. and these people are not the stupid redneck type you all are tagging on these individuals. the largest group of people i know that carry are female realestate agents, since they are such a target. anyways enough of this