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Posts: 254
Karma: 10
opinions on these bindings anyone? how much would you guys be willing to pay for em.
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"too dope for this world"
Posts: 16030
Karma: 151
too early to form opinions on the bindings at this stage - best to wait until there has been sufficient testing until they gain proper acceptance..
from whats out there though, they seem to have been recieved pretty well.
Posts: 1787
Karma: 52
Posts: 6302
Karma: 357
dude, anyone who doubts that binding is retarded. go pick a pair up. anything thats not metal is heavily reinforced nylon. they ARE NOT going to break. they are wicked light, and have good release mech. if i didnt have a mountain of turntables stocked up, id be on that binding for sure.
Posts: 288
Karma: 29
im getting them for 180$ and from what ive heard they're good bindings
Posts: 6302
Karma: 357
i just mounted a pair on some nordica blowers, and wow. they are definitely legit. anyone whose not sold on them, you should be. im a die hard turntable fan, but the jester/duke is the first thing to come out that id be comfortable on.
for one, they are reallllllly simple. its obvious a lot of effort has gone into eliminating un-needed parts. thats a good thing, as the more complex things are, the more likely they are to break. everything on them is either fiber-reinforced nylon, aluminum, or steel. the mounting pattern is the tightest ive seen for a trackmount binding, especially the toe piece.
what else is cool, is the idea of cooncentrating the swing weight of the binder. by keeping the spring in the upper part of the binding, and mounting the toe spring sideways, the already minimal weight is moved closer to your center of rotation.
the only things i see with them that i dont really like, are: the toe height. the heels are about as high as most binders, but the toes have as much lift as a set of standard lifted looks.
no upward release in the toe.
the clamping area on the heel seems kinda small, like the area that pushes down. im sure its fine, but it doesnt seem like a very thick lip thats pressing down.
so other than a few little discrepancies, they are definitely legit.
Posts: 2114
Karma: 23
im thinkin bout puttin em on a pair of bacons
Posts: 4553
Karma: 21
yea it's kind of gay that they don't have upward release, considering it's meant to be a park binding.
they should have done the jester with upward release and a lower stance, and the duke with the higher stance and no upward release. or like the 4frnt/vist bindings where there is a switch to turn the upward release on/off.
Posts: 286
Karma: 10
You sure the don't have an upwards release? Why would they do that to a binding that is supposed to be for park? Thats just stupid.
Posts: 2538
Karma: 26
Posts: 2120
Karma: 161
There good but I'm still a lttle questionable I use them for a week on demos and they worked great. But that doesn't mean they will be the same in the long run
Posts: 1854
Karma: 108
Posts: 703
Karma: 10
my friends got some..its prob too early to know how they ride but they look effing sick! i really didnt like marker bindings and had almost lost all hope until i saw these
Posts: 501
Karma: 1,181
haha im getting them for $500 with a wide break. This is why canada sucks.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
gotta pay the bills some how.
and people that are jumping on this binding like there is no tomorrow are fucking retarded, before this season started the only people that had ridden them had at least some connection to marker. Therefor their opinion is going to be biased. I have held the binding and there is almost no metal in it. the connection in the tow piece is almost not existent. Turntables have been proven jesters have not. The heel is almost exactly the same as new p-15 heel just less metal. and a p-15 tow is proven, jester tow not so much. So give the binding a chance. 'Feeling' that it is strong is not the same as putting 50-100 days on it.
Oh and it is $400 or so.
So go pay an arm and a leg for an untested binding. and guniepig it for me.
Posts: 758
Karma: 14
thats like $525 us, thats like almost 2 pairs of skis.
Posts: 501
Karma: 1,181
well i ahve to buy from the local shop and that is what there charging, $450 for the binding itself and $50 for the brake but lukley my parents love me and say they will pay half for my b-day so reallisticly im only paying $250
Posts: 1854
Karma: 108
They are a 400 dollar binding, 180 is below cost, doesnt make sense
Posts: 3396
Karma: 25
Its the 1st year for the model... send marker your comments. I think theyre pretty legit, and I HATE marker and everything they do. They took a pretty crazy step considering the last time someone tried to change the binding failed horribly. Not having an upward release isn't sooooo bad, but I think they should include that for sure. The only reason I didnt get a pair when I got some new sticks was the heel piece. There doesn't look like there is enough contact. again, probably doesn't matter much, they couldn't release them if they were unsafe. But piece of mind right?
Its a sick looking binding though, thats for sure. maybe next year.
Posts: 13846
Karma: 651
TOW- to pull or haul (a car, barge, trailer, etc.) by a rope, chain, or other device: The car was towed to the service station.
Toe is the word you were looking for.
Posts: 16909
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Posts: 5859
Karma: 44
dooooooooood look around...the dukes are at my ski shop for $450...wide brakes cost like $30
Posts: 178
Karma: 31
at my shop we had the marker clinic and it seems as if marker has finally made a reasonable binding. its expensive but could be worth it from all the good things ive heard about it. sorry ive never been a marker fan
Posts: 1653
Karma: 45
adrian, nice claim hah but yeah they should be sick. does anyone know why they put the din that high? 6-16 is up there. usually you want a din the middle. im pretty sure not that many people have dins of around 11 on their park and all mountain skis.
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
i have em on my arvs and love em. Rodem for 4 days so far and while it wasnt super hard riding they seemed really good. I have great hopes for em. I love the din range on these, im at a 9.5 now and its money. they feel more solid on my feet than my p12s did. Also they are sooooo light!
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