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Hardest part aobut rollerblading is tell ur parents your gay
Posts: 753
Karma: 26
Posts: 753
Karma: 26
ok well that was weird the thread was created before i got a chance to write my stuff. now i am a skater myslef and i constantly hear this joke being made and today i saw a video that made me laugh jsut watch it
Posts: 5756
Karma: 49
haha good one fucker ive never heard it before
Posts: 9691
Karma: 1,702
Hardest part about being gay is hating on rollerbladers
Posts: 5756
Karma: 49
ooo haha nvm scratch that
Posts: 753
Karma: 26
hah yea its ok the thread was jsut made with otu me being able to write shit, every day i am at the park i hear it at least twice so i couldnt stop laughing when i saw this video
Posts: 1125
Karma: 57
its been posted before but still very funny
Posts: 87
Karma: 293
Posts: 4647
Karma: 134
I think the first ones funnier
Posts: 8407
Karma: 27
Posts: 7163
Karma: 919
JibEarth, you might be the worst piece of shit i've ever come into contact with. i hope you die of AIDS and many STDs. that sucks though. sorry you suck so much cock. bye.
Posts: 5680
Karma: 246
rollerblading is kinda gay, it seems like around here all the rollerbladers i see are always wearing huge jnco jeans, a wife beater, bleached hair, a spike necklace, and headphones. honestly like half the rollerbladers i see are like that. so for me, half the rollerbladers are gay, the rest are fine.
Posts: 434
Karma: 10
fuck you assholes...
know how many people think skiing is about gay as shit and for rich stuck up fags?? alot... shut your fucking mouths about rollerblading...
Posts: 6204
Karma: 51
i scooter. and i am so fuckin sick of hate.
Posts: 2526
Karma: 64
Posts: 5422
Karma: 103
those vids were funny. I like how everyone in this thread is all pissed off. Why do you care what people think about skiing or roller blading if you like it do it.
Posts: 9097
Karma: 777
Seriously, I do things cause I think they are fun. I could give a shit what others think about the sports I partake in, I kind of like doing a sport that not every 12-16 year old in town is also into. Bottom line is big moves get respect no matter what your riding. i've rollerbladed past groups of young skaters and been heckled, then I throw a huge trick and all of a sudden kids wanna talk to ya. I ride with skaters, bikers, and other bladers and we all have respect for each others individual sports and styles.
Posts: 2664
Karma: 997
skateboarders just think they are the shit, they hate on everysport that comes into the skatepark, cept other skaters. most skaters are stuck up fags.
Posts: 1685
Karma: 62
rollerblading is sorta gay compared to skating but i still love to do it, so when i go to the skatepark im always hoping the skaters dont hate me,, but all the skaters I meet are always really nice and some of them say they rollerblade too so i feel like skateboarders dont hate inline as much as everybody thinks
Posts: 13156
Karma: 19,497
I love rollerblading and I am straight. I even have a girlfriend.
Posts like this should lower karma a lot.
Posts: 11902
Karma: 1,019
No it shouldn't. Watch the video he posted. I think he should get +++karma for this one.
Posts: 5540
Karma: 430
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