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was very close to rail at the front of courtroom," said Jefferson
County spokesman Pam Russell. "He was struggling -- fighting. "(The
deputies) were trying to talk him down. He was resistant."It took eight Jefferson County deputies to restrain him and he had to be carried out of court by them.Margera,
51, was accused of fondling three girls during a public appearance at
the Colorado Mills Mall skate park last year. He faced three felony
charges after several girls said he grabbed their breasts or buttocks.
He was found not guilty on one count.The two victims are 13 and 14."These
young victims did a great job in court. This is always difficult for
children victims. I really admire their courage. As for the one not
guilty verdict, the jury apparently didn’t believe we’d met our burden
in proving the count beyond a reasonable doubt," said District Attorney
Scott Storey.Margera will be sentenced on Dec. 20. He could be
sentenced to from two to six years in prison on each count. Margera
could also receive probation for a minimum of ten years, up to life.The guilty verdict means he must register as a sex offender in Colorado.During
the trial, two female police officers who arrested him said he called
them "psycho lesbian bitches." His lawyer said Margera thought the
arrest was a prank and he was activing in character.The prosecutor said Margera was so intoxicated during the Lakewood appearance that he "peed his pants."His
defense attorney, Pamela Mackey, has said Margera was in character
during the public appearance, playing the outrageous uncle on the show.According to Wikipedia,
"Viva La Bam" was a reality television series that starred his nephew,
professional skateboarder Bam Margera. The show was a spin-off from
MTV's "Jackass," in which Margera and most of the main cast had
appeared.He was commonly referred to as "Don Vito," in the show
because it referred to his near-unintelligible speech, reminiscent of
Don Vito Corleone of "The Godfather." Many times, subtitles had to be
used because Margera couldn't be understood. The show ran for five
seasons, according to a result of his 2006 Colorado
arrest, the stunts involving Don Vito were removed from the theatrical
and DVD release of "Jackass Number Two."On the Web site, Margera completed the sentence "Life with Bam is...." by adding "out of control."Margera's
defense attorney, Pamela Mackey, also represented NBA star Kobe Bryant
when he was accused of rape in Colorado. The charge was later dismissed.