Ok. So. We had a deal worked out for some snow pants. I made my paypal payment, messaged him, and on September 11, he messaged me "I'll have them sent out tomorrow." Needless to say, now, about 7 weeks later, i have not recieved the snow pants. Nor has he responded to my two emails or 5 messages on here. And he was last on NS on the 27th, I believe, so its not like he didn't know he had messages. If he had let me know if there was an honest problem, if he had contacted me at all, I probably wouldn't be making this post. But since he has totally ignored all of my attempts to contact him, i am left with no choice. ICYWHITE IS A BED SELLER. And now I still need snow pants. Fuckin 'A. Is there an official bad seller list somewhere?