I'm relatively new to skiing, this is my third year. But it has already become my passion and most of the money I'm making is going into gear, tickets etc. Anyways, before now I've always just let the shop mount my bindings wherever because it hasn't made much of a difference. This year however, I've purchased a pair of Volkl Walls and I want to make sure that they're mounted exactly where they would work best.
So this is where the whole point of the thread comes in, I was hoping that someone could thoroughly explain all of the mounting lingo. For example, is true center different that the center they mark on the ski? The walls are completely symmetrical, therefore should I center mount them? What if I also want to ski a little bit of powder on them as well? If I were to mount my own bindings (which I guarantee you I will NOT do) where would they go for a center mount? would that mean that the space between the toe and heel piece would be the center? Would the front of the toe be on the center mark or would the back of the heel? Any and all info would be great.
Thanks a bunch.