I'm have a delema. Not really worried about price though there is a 120 dollar difference . Its between the spk kaos and the nordica supercharger ignition. Both of these boots are the new 08 models
I liked how the spk fit me a little bit better. Both are comforatable. I've read the sticky about boots and how to go about buying them and i've researched both boots on the search bar for about a week now.
I feel that the SPK was a little stiffer than the supercharger ignitions. Don't know if this is true. Salomon spk kaos 95 rating and the supercharger ignition 80 to 90 flex. I'm trying not to let the hype of the spk kaos play a factor in my decision. I ski in Indiana and I would classify myself as advance/almost expert skier. I have about 500 ft of vertical there lol. I'm in the terrain park 50% and all moutain 50%.
These are the boots that the shop recommended for me. After looking at me feet, i have pretty wide feet, but average widith heel, my height 6ft, weight 215, and what type of skiing i do i tried on about 6 different boots and these two felt the best. After a few adjustments and heel lifts these two boots felt the best... I HAVE BIG CALFS which sucks. Is the person that fitted me crazy. I wear a 9.5 to a 10 in a shoe and they fitted me for a 26.5= to a 8.5 in a shoe.
So my question is i want a boot that is all mountain with freestlye capabilities. I want to be able to ski in these not just park all the time. I don't know if i'll overpower these two boots. Also there has been some talk of the two buckles system on the spk inhibiting its all mountain preformance compared to the 4 bucks of the supercharger. Anythoughts on this. Are the SPK kaos an all mt boot or just a park boot. Any thoughts if anyone of these two boots are better than the other.
Any input and thoughts or personal experinences with either two boots. I know the supercharger ignitions are a new model this year. SPK's will cost 379.99 and the supercharger ignintions 499.99