We need to raise the driving age to 18. Start the permit program at 14 like most states do now, but I don't know any people who are ready to drive at 16. To keep the following rant in perspective, I'm 17 years old. I have not been caught speeding once cause I'm to pussy to do more than 8 or 9 over. I did hit a mailbox once, and I've almost fucked up badly twice. I do not exclude myself from the following rant.
I hit a mailbox and almost t-boned a Ford at an intersection I use every day. I have a fried who drives a blazer that he thinks is roll proof. (he will probably read this, good, cause I'm not gonna help tip it back over) I know a kid who rolled twice in the same spot, on two separate days. I can go on and on.
You get behind the wheel alone for the first time and it feels great. We've all been there. Nothing can stop you, and its all totally safe. You'll never crash, get pulled over, die, all you know is that you have freedom on a whole new level. Great. Now wait until you have that close call, then reality sets in. To overuse an ol drivers ed line, your sitting on a time bomb.
I thought I was a great driver. I've had a few little reminders lately that I'm not. The only, and I do mean only thing that makes you a good safe driver is experience. Exposure to driving (ie permit driving) and some common sense that comes as you pass through the raging hormones that are your teen years, can help you get that experience and live to tell about it.
For way to many teens, it takes a close call, or a tragedy, to really drive home what I'm talking about here. Most people simply aren't mature enough for the responsibility involved in driving. You can do more than hurt yourself, but other people too.
Driving is your first test. You really have to be an adult to pull it off, but theres a problem. At 16, you're anything but. If you're like most of my friends your just a walking boner with a lead foot, and I've heard way to many girls actually say "Do I really have to stop at stop signs?". Not gonna saw which sex is better behind the wheel, but ego has a lot to do with it.
Aight after some random, unorganized thoughts I'm gonna sit back and hopefully some intelligent discussion will materialize so I can keep going with this. I'd like a CIVILIZED discussion of the topic and those who are still waiting for that first set of keys are also welcome to voice their opinions.