So I posted this on and got some weak ass replies...
Aight check it, I'm doing the whole get back into snowboarding thang
and I need some help to pick a board. I've shredded for 4 years before
so it shouldn't take me to long to get the hang of it again.
As requested by the forum mods, here are my stats:
Height: 6''
Weight: Not 100% sure but around the 165-175 range.
Boot Size: Shoe size is 10.5-11 not sure what that is in Boot Size.
Ability: Beginner-ish, probably get to that intermediate level within a month or two.
Riding: The plan is to hit up the park but be able to shred the rest of
the mountain too, so all round. East coast riding so no pow pow.
So far I've been suggested K2 WWW, Rome and StepChild boards by
friends. If you need any more info just say so. Thanks to anyone who
takes their time to reply, anything helps but if you can go in-depth
about it it would be sik. Thats all for now, paeyce!
P.S. Keep in mind I haven't snowboarded in a longggg time so keep disz shit noob friendly, thanks.
If anyone could also mention some cheap shops (online) for this gear it would be sik, I don't have infinite amount of money to spend so keep that in mind too.