if you like any hardcore/metal music, you should really get the new As I Lay Dying CD - "An Ocean Between Us". it is fucking amazing.
They have the most incredible drummer, and very good guitar players.
Expect a lot of screaming, which is actually decently done in this band, as opposed to a lot of hardcore/metal bands. but they also sing normally during most of the choruses, and its a perfect balance in my opinion.
you can think what you want about metal bands.. its definitely not for everyone, but if you just listen to the music alone (guitars, drums, and bass), you will be impressed at how well it is put together, even if you aren't into the screaming.
dont get me wrong, i listen to basically all music that is well-done, not just metal. i'm also really into rap and classic rock, etc. but i give respect to AILD for releasing such a great new album. it blows away all of their older stuff.
i bought the CD and i've listened to it at least once every day. its really good for relieving stress, or waking you up if you're tired. haha
tracks that stand out are "The Sound of Truth", "Forsaken", "This is Who We Are", "An Ocean Between Us", and "Nothing Left".
go check it out