I know that there are probably hundreds of threads regarding this issue, but I was just wondering what you all though about a specific question. Do any of you actually think that the anti-underage drinking campaign in the U.S. is actually working, or is even productive is any way? Did or do any of you actually listen to anti-drinking commercials or read anti-drinking posters in your schools and not just laugh at them?
Its my own personal view that all this anti-drinking, and the drinking age of 21, actually contributes to the problem of dangerous underage drinking. I belive that The drinking age in the US is one of the most ridiculus and unneeded laws in existence. If the federal government didn't threaten to take away highway funding from states who deviate from the federal drinking age, than the drinking age would be 18 or non-existent in virtually every state. With the abolition of the drinking age, schools and other orginazations could then focus on educating students on the importance of drinking in moderation and the dangers of binge drinking. This would be a much more effective way to deal with this issue than fruitlessly attempting to stop teenagers from drinking, even when its common knowledge that teenagers rarely if ever listen to hokey anti-drinking slogans or inane posters and commercials.
It seems like whenever i point this out everyone agrees with me. Does anyone disagree with this?