So i wake up to this message on my answering machine this morning:
Jake, this is Holli from Residence Life, Amanda (what ever her last name is) would like to set up a meeting with you one on one some point tomorrow. It is mandatory. Call me back with your agenda ready and we will set up a time
ok... :S i was confused. What did I do? Nothing.... So I call "holli" that skank back and she proceeds to tell me, "Jake we found you were a member of the Beer Pong Association Group on Facebook and you have to come in for a one on one meeting to discuss your actions." FUCK THAT. I have to go to some bullshit meeting all because I joined some group on facebook? What is this world coming too? They never once caught me playing.
I just talked to my buddy (who started the group) and he just got suspended. Fuck offfffffff. This is childish non sense. What is this, kindergarten? Not only are we not aloud to play drinking games of any sort, but I am also underage. I am pissed how in a school of 10000+ a group of 60 people on facebook gets baited out cause some fuck head invites a don to the group.
Fuck you Brock University