Replying to Best bet ever...
Yah, so one of my best friends at school is a snowboarder. He's one of the most cliche "extreme" people ever. In other words, he thinks he's the shit at everything pretty much. He's usually a really cool guy to hang out with, and he's definitely one of my favorite buds to hit the slopes with, but sometimes his over-the-top hardcore bullshit can get pretty annoying. For that reason, I jumped on the chance to extort him when he was hammered the other day.
He has never skiied IN HIS LIFE, and even though he has respect for skiers when he sees a sick movie segment every now and then, he is covinced it isn't that hard at all to be a dope skier.
For this reason, he bet me 100 bucks that he could pick up a pair of free demo park skis during free-demo-day at our shitty local mountain, practice for a while, and then after lunch be able to beat me in a HORSE-type game.
I'm going to kill him, but the bet is definitely setting the bar even higher for me this season. I don't just want to win, I want to bury him so bad that he'll finally shut the fuck up. I'm going to lay the hammer down on his ass. I can't wait. I'll probably be able to get the first letters with just a straight air, a regular straight rail hit, and a 180 at speed.
I sat down with him at lunch the day after he made the bet and he still seemed confident he was going to beat me, but his overall enthusiasm appeared to have diminished a bit. He's still gonna go through with it, though. Yesssssssssss, demo day can't come soon enough.
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