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Best all mt skis thats leened more towards the powder
Posts: 215
Karma: 57
best all mt skis thats leaned more towards powder and cliff hoping.
Posts: 7056
Karma: 2,790
seths, maybe. Lizzies, if you're into park too.
there's so many, but those are the ones i can think of...
Posts: 758
Karma: 14
pretty much anything above a 100 waist will fit into one of the things you want. then it is just preference, stiff? soft? funshape?
Posts: 55
Karma: 9
Posts: 1911
Karma: 156
my first thoughts would be the seth, arv maybah. bacons are a pretty wide ski, but from what ive heard they tear up al conditions.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
It is all based on preference and individual specifics that are going to be true for only you, sure you can make a thread and ask what is the best ski and everyone will list the ski that they like the best. Most of these people, however will be very different from you, they may ski different from you, prefer a softer or stiffer ski then you, they may like more pop then you or a damper set of sticks. And God forbid they have a different physical build then you. Also how strong of a skier are you? and be honest, Numerical numbers are good, Someone could come on here and say that they are a big fast aggressive skier and where they come from that means they ski at 30mph down a 35-40 degree slope and hit cliffs ranging from 5-15 feet, now some other guy is on here and his version of a big fast aggressive skier is some one who skis 40-60mph on slopes 45-55 degrees and charges off 40-70 foot cliffs, now he might recomend a very different ski then what is right for the kid. And you don't want to end up with that 14-15year old highschooler on a pair of XXL's that are way to big for him, that could ruin skiing for him.
So long story short tell us more about yourself. no one except steezyjibber cares how good you are as long as you are out their loving to ski and no one gives a fuck about him anyway so do tell...
Posts: 620
Karma: 25
Yeah, lots of variables - but I ride the Prophet 100 for that shit. There are a bunch of reviews for them on this site and every one is a 10. You won't be disappointed.
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
i ride seths and they handle everythiong the east coast throws at them with ease
Posts: 6637
Karma: 2,627
try out the vokle bridges...pretty stiff and they charge and 92 in wasit is a solid all mtn ski
Posts: 1239
Karma: 37
Rossi Scratch BC does it for me. Slightly stiff, 98cm underfoot, and just powers through powder, crud and all that crap. Heck, I even rip them on groomers.....
Posts: 275
Karma: 11
Posts: 2357
Karma: 60
armada arv
line chronic blend
Posts: 2136
Karma: 258
Posts: 215
Karma: 57
Ya see I do a lot of tree/powder/cliff skiing and I only hit the park every once and a while and love rippin up the whole mountain. I have a pair of 04/05 rossi bc's and there awsome. But I put a huge core shot into it and now I want to get some new skis. I'm 6'2" and way about 165lbs. I want to hear what really worked the poeple out there, cause theres a load of skis i could chose from.
Posts: 1718
Karma: 11
in order of my opinion, highest first.
Scratch BC
Atomic Pimp
Prophet 100
those are good skis in my mind.
Posts: 215
Karma: 57
whats better in the scratch bcs than the atomic pimp.
Posts: 1247
Karma: 1,200
ya its a good width for riding everywhere
Posts: 1505
Karma: 14
Prophet, MSP, Scratch Brigade (I think?), Seths
any of those would do great
Posts: 215
Karma: 57
what about the liberty helix?
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