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6 feet tall and 172 skis...
Posts: 1939
Karma: 910
i really dont want to nag my parents to pay for new skis and i dont really need to get a job for myself right now. is 172 too small???//?slash//??
Posts: 4531
Karma: -8
im 6ft and i have a pair of 177's
Posts: 930
Karma: 11
my rail skis where 171 when i was 6 foot
Posts: 1918
Karma: 16
im 6' and im buying lizzies this year
Posts: 2314
Karma: 128
A little more detail would help.. e.g weight, the skis you have, ability, etc.
Posts: 3710
Karma: 23
everybody is different too. some people like longer skis. i personally have 171 and 5 6 but at the same time i hace 164's. i personally like the longer ski myself. takes some time to get used to but over all i like it more.
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Posts: 4531
Karma: -8
Im thinking of grabbing some 191's though.
Posts: 4765
Karma: 153
depends. I'm 5'8'' and im getting 171's, but last year I had 158 which worked. it's all about preference too.
Posts: 1775
Karma: 16
i'm gonna get completely hated on for this but a few lenghts really doesnt matter that much, comon. i like smaller skis cuz the difference is easier to maneuver, but ahv at the same time bigger skis have there pluses. do what you want.
Posts: 2177
Karma: 11
i like longer skis for when youre going down big lines.
Posts: 4765
Karma: 153
nah, no reason to get hated on. it all comes down to ski what length you want. theres no standard, it's all preference.
Posts: 6433
Karma: 11,459
only if your getting lizzys man. i flexed a pair this weekend and i can picture them being so much fun.
Posts: 1371
Karma: 255
yeah me too i could probably fold them in half and put them in my backpack.
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
If you're talking about elizabeths, and you want to use them in and out of the park then that's fine. If it's all for BC I would probably step up to the Bacons.
Not really sure what other skis come in a 172 so I'm guessing that's what you're looking at
Posts: 679
Karma: 16
or you could perhaps look at the surface live life2 which comed in a 179. I'm almost 6ft and have lizzies. They are only a little short for steep lines and really deep pow.
Posts: 5680
Karma: 246
172 isnt that short. if you look at like a 172 next to a 179 the difference isnt that much at all. and it totally depends on the ski too. elizabeths would be fine, they are designed to be shorter than normal, thats why they are shaped like snowboards. i own some and the short length is perfect, its awesome for throwing them around and dicking around in powder. im 5'9-5-10 and im getting the 171 anthems
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A lot of people are not thinking about leverage generated by a 6 foot tall person. You stand so far over the tip that you boss teh skis around, because you have that leverage. I wouldn't ever have you ski on anything less than a 180, and Elizabeths are out of the question IMO... if you want a more maneuverable ski, get something skinnier. If you want that size of ski, at least get the Bacons.
in the end, it's all personal preference, but I don't think that a short ski performs well for tall people when they are really pushing it, unless it's meant to be skied short (like a slalom ski)
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
those are way too short for you. i'm 5'11" and i'm riding 183's.
Posts: 2095
Karma: 14
your gonna look funny. i saw some dude with mike nicks and he was like 6'3"
Posts: 6853
Karma: 816
Im 5'5" and I have 159's Im kinda thinking i need a 175. I like big skis, but smaller skis for jibbing. I just need to get um for free soon because I.. gahh. blows.
Posts: 45
Karma: 10
Who cares if they're a little short? That's what you've got and you don't want to hit your parents up for money. Just ski them and have fun. Once your skis are trashed and you really need to get new skis, then think about size.
Posts: 2904
Karma: 92
Yeah I'm 4'11' and I ski a 191. Fucking grow a pair man.
Posts: 16253
Karma: 538
I'm in the same boat. Still having issues deciding.
I'm 6' and trying to decide between Bacons and Lizzies. I'm leaning towards Bacons.
Posts: 2357
Karma: 60
for park theyr prolly ok
powder/backcountry your pretty screwed...
unless your name is seth morrison and you could throw a lincoln off a cliff with 2x4's on your feet
Posts: 3019
Karma: 2,695
im 6' and i ride 170s centered, but ive riden 170s for like 4 years, so im pretty used to em, i probally should go longer
Posts: 8203
Karma: 406
im 6 foot
i have 169s near center
175 vcts farther back
178 invaders center
Posts: 5680
Karma: 246
and if your doing park only a shroter ski is great. but backcountry and stuff, a longer ski would be better
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
whatever dude im 6'4 and my pow/park skis were 176cm 1260's...you'll manage just fine
Posts: 10014
Karma: 8,392
Don't get lizzies. if you think bacons are too much ski for you, (which they probably aren't), then get a skinnier ski. you don't want a shorter one. Both of those skis were designed for someone who is like 5'10, the 172 is just meant to be a park ski. if you are looking at those two skis for pow, get the bacons.
Posts: 756
Karma: 5
its alright if you like to spin easy but not so much if you like back country better
Posts: 227
Karma: 10
i think it is all preference
Posts: 1560
Karma: 84
I'm 5'10" 150lbf I have my original K2 enemies in a 183, got those freshman year of high school (8years ago), have 181 Scratch FS and 181 Atomic Thugs. I don't think I'd be able to go under 180. the scratch's are short enough that I can spin as hard as I want with no resistance, and slide rails with no troubles. They's also long enough that I can actually ski without getting left in the dust by friends who also have a real length of ski. Shorter would probably be a little rough in the moguls too, and if they'd been any shorter, powder skiing would have been completely impossible. If you're just a park rat that doesn't ski anything but jumps and rails, you should just grab some 110s and ditch your poles.
Posts: 1156
Karma: 28
is it all prefernce man, but.
I'm 6fter and rock 171 T-halls. I love em, plenty stable enough and plenty spinny enough.
Just stick with them, there's no point buying new ones now, when you haven't got the chance to see whether they work for you, then if they feel too short, buy some new ones...
Posts: 1637
Karma: 48
i'm 5'6'' and ride 174 foils i really like bigger skis
Posts: 1879
Karma: 101
same, dude youll be fine dont worry
Posts: 3396
Karma: 25
Posts: 1879
Karma: 101
Posts: 16253
Karma: 538
My sarcasm meter is reading levels off the charts!!!!!
Posts: 3396
Karma: 25
how? where would your meter read any sarcasm? maybe its a truth meter.
because being 6 feet and riding 172 is like snowlerblading.
Posts: 2322
Karma: 22
Im 6'2'' 220lbs and I have 178 invaders, not a good combo. too short and way to flimsy
Posts: 16253
Karma: 538
For park and groomers it's a fair size. For powder and freeskiing he'd obviously want something longer for more stability.
Would a high 170cm/low 180cm be a better choice? Likely. but 172cm is by no means too short and is not going to be hurting his skiing.
Posts: 3737
Karma: 33
im 6'1'' and have 179 fujatives and madens, but also 187 Districts. its what you want to be skiing. length =stability
Posts: 373
Karma: 60
it really depends on your skill level if they are too small or not
Posts: 3396
Karma: 25
doods 6 feet tall... 178 at least. for speed, fun, everything.
Posts: 7056
Karma: 2,790
lizzies only come in that size, and read what everyone else says to explain why they still work. 178 is barely longer than 172, so go with what you like.
Posts: 0
Karma: 7,705
exactly, the difference of a few centimeters won't make too big a difference anyway in the park
Posts: 2913
Karma: 385
im 5'3 and i ski on 171. when u cross it looks way sick and nose mute and tail grabs are way easier.
Posts: 13673
Karma: 3,087
Posts: 15967
Karma: 11,027
yo im 5'5 i got 171s
compared to my 148 scratches they really arent all that much bigger
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