hey all. got a lil question for ya im hoping you can help with real quick. In my junior Industrial Design Studio, our project for the quarter is a design competition for the International Housewares Association, where we will be designing a housewares type product (anything portable, from small personal electronics, furniture, lights, storage, etc etc). right now, as a beginning part of the research phase, i am looking to identify potential problems to solve with my entry. so i ask:
1. Age
2. household status (living by yourself, with family, etc)
3. Approximate Household income (if you dont want to answer this question in depth, something like, middle class, upper middle class, college student, etc also works)
4. Thinking about your daily experiences in your home, think
of at least one problem you encounter when using a product (an example would be, while vacuuming the living room, the cord constantly gets in the way)
5. what do you personally do to help account for or solve this problem
6. if you had the ability to redesign the product, how would you solve the problem you identified?
thanks for your time, its appreciated. if anyone has a knock out response or idea, ill toss some stickers your way