^WTF!? I never thought I'd hear that from anyone...let alone a skier. I've got a ten page term paper on the predicted effects of global climate change in the next century on the Tahoe Basin assuming current CO2 emission rates and let me just say that...well, you know how on bad days it rains at lake level and snows higher up...I'll put it this way; I hope you've got stock in kayaks because that run "waterfall" at alpine will literally be one. Yes, precipitation in the winter months will increase, something else will also increase though and it's something you as a skier may be interested in. It's called snow-level and it's predicted to move from around 4200 feet in 2007 to between 5,000 and 6,000 feet in 3010. That means just as many rainy days as snowy days at lake level on an average winter season. WOOOO global warming bring it on!, that reminds me, I've got to go fire up my SUV and drive it around in circles for a couple hours before I go to bed, after all, gas is cheap, so there can't be a crisis going on right now...right?
and sorry if your post was sarcasm or something (doesn't come across on the internet) but it's a pet peeve I've got, and if anyone should be concerned about it I would think of any group, skiers would be the ones marching on Washington demanding the immediate dumping of funds into public transportation infrastructure and renewable energy technology instead of the $200 million a day(1) we're spending on the war in Iraq in order to secure a foot-hold in the middle east thereby ensuring a say in world production and distribution of a resource whose production curve has already peaked and is expected to enter terminal decline in the next decade(2)...but that's just my two cents.
*sources: 1.) USAtoday 2.)Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas SD(non profit)
-and I do actually own an SUV, although I'm not proud of it. I'm not holding myself above anyone else here, I'm just as guilty as the next uneducated American, but I also know that Prius batteries, while not directly contributing to global warming do need to be replaced at 100,000 miles and aren't doing anything to help the environment either. It seems like those people who shop at whole foods (which is actually a really nice supermarket nothing against them) and drive their Priuses or is it Priai? two blocks to their kid's soccer game think their hybrids run off of unicorn giggles or something, that's simply not true, yes, your car gets good gas mileage...it's actually about the same as the new high performance low emission turbo diesel injection engines being peioneered in europe right now by Volkswagen/Audi and BMW. Basically what I'm saying is there are many ideas in the system and in order to make a change they will all have to be utilized all the while adapting to new technology as it is presented. I just worry that in a country that has historically refused to act without some sort of disastrous precursor we may be in for a rough ride before things get smooth again.
Oh yeah, think snow WOOO winter time yay skiing!