btw, i appreciate the comment about my judge of character. i don't like hanging out with bad people (there's a difference between sarcastic, slightly douchy people and truly bad people).
you might have also noticed i only have hot friends and they're all girls. this is not by accident. in fact, you're just hot enough to be my friend (Lena was sure to let me know you were very attractive... she's European, they're kinda open about these things- she also let me know Steph has nice tits, like i had to be told), plus Lena would kill me if i broke up with you.
just wait til we start DJing together... we'll give ya something to roll to. you heard her mixes, she's got really cool taste and style... add my electro/Daft Punk/80s pop obsessed head into the mix and you've got the hottest duo on the planet and some of the sweetest muzak you'll ever hear.
it would be sweet as hell if we could get a few of you together (Drew, Duray, Will, Les, Linds, whomever) for a celebration of life and good people in Vegas sometime in the next year or so...
trust me, i'd show all of you the time of your life :D