There are several points which I have to lay out to get the full enjoyment out of this story.
So I've been living in Ontario for the last 2 3/4 years driving with a BC License which your suppose to switch after 90 days of living in a different province.
Lately I've really been thinking to myself I need to get it changed, especially since some of the numbers on the sin tag appeared shall we say a little scratched out, and I look like a criminal in my drivers photo. (looks like a bad mug shot)
Last night I was doing donuts in the back of a church parking lot after my A.A meeting minding my own business when out of nowhere a cop cruiser rolls up and I'm like "Oh shit I'm fucked!"
Now the program I've been taking a recent change was made with the regulatory college of the profession that if you have a criminal record you can't write your RMT Exams.
Was the conversation with the officer.
O- May i see your license and registration?
C- Yes, one minute officer (While I'm fiddling through my wallet)
O- What do you think you were doing?
C- Practising my winter driving officer, No power steering, rear-wheel, standard truck sir
O- Where are you coming from?
C- This A.A meeting sir, (and i produce my 1 year medallion)
O- I need to see your license and registration not your coin. Have you been drinking?
C- Not in two years sir (I finally produce my licence with registration)
O- This is a BC license
C- Yes, sir
O- Is it valid?
C- In BC sir
O- How long have you been in Ontario?
C- Just over two years sir
O- Where do you work?
C- I'm a full time student sir graduate in two months
O- Who's truck is this?
C- My brothers
O- Does he know your driving it?
C- Yes, sir
O- Are you aware you should have switched your licence back to an Ontario licence within 90 days of moving?
C- I am acutely aware of that officer
O- I'm going to check you out on the computer, If this licence is suspended in BC or you have any outstanding charges I'll be placing you under arrest.
C- yes, officer (Drum roll while waiting mean time people coming out of the AA meeting are looking over at me as another squad car rolls up lights on)
O- (Cop comes back to my car) Okay, I want you to go down to the licence burrow tomorrow and get things changed to an Ontario licence
C- Yes, Officer, Funny story I was actually planning on going tomorrow morning, You may or may not believe that. (I produce another piece of paper with the licence burrows address, and told him that i tried going to the one down the hill in Orleans, but you have to go to the regional one at Canotek rd)
O- One last thing. Are you wearing contact lens? It's a condition on your licence.
C- Yes officer
O- Don't let me catch you doing donuts in a parking lot full of cars again, consider this a Christmas present, have a nice night.
I was amazed I got out of that situation. I now have an Ontario licence.