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Us government cell phone tracking
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
I heard that modern cellphones that have gps capability can be tracked by the phone company and the US government uses the excuse of terrorism to get access to all of this. So if you have a cellphone that has gps the government knows exactly where you are as long as your cellphone is on. How scary is that?
Posts: 7406
Karma: 186
o rly?
i don't have a cell phone anyways...
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
Posts: 2573
Karma: 13
It's pretty rediculous to think that the US government gives enough of a shit about you to bother tracking you via cell phone. If you aren't financing terrorism or running a huge drug syndicate I think you have nothing to worry about.
Why do people always wig out about this?
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
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bwahahah i was looking for that
Posts: 1496
Karma: 10
i really dont see why people are so afraid of the gevernment keeping track of their calls. first off, they don't actually listen into every call, and write down that you have going to a friends party. even if they do monitor your calls, do you really think that they are going to listen to you, and arrest you? fuck all of this government privacy invasion shit.
Posts: 2061
Karma: 183
as soon as i saw this i started scrolling down looking for the owls haha
Posts: 7406
Karma: 186
haha no worries:
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
good for you, im sure youll keep singing god bless america while a customs agent sticks is whole arm up you mothers vagina on your way back from a vacation in rio de janerio.
Youll say thank you officer, and ask him if he wants to check you also, because you dont care about privacy invasion
Posts: 8227
Karma: 1,032
i think the canadian government is too cheap to track mine...
Posts: 1496
Karma: 10
thats a completely different thing. you are just like all of those other retards who ask, if someone jumped off of a bridge would you? i hate how people just use a completely different example and think they proved a valid point.
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
no its the same thing because this means no matter how far you hide your cell phone up your ass their still gonna find it
Posts: 2573
Karma: 13
What does this have to do with the customs agents fisting your mom?
Posts: 835
Karma: 8
You know how to fix this problem? Buy a cellphone without GPS trcking device. Problem solved.
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
whatever, some day your gonna get big brothers 10 foot cock in your ass because of your gps cellphone/ignoring this thread
Posts: 2573
Karma: 13
It's not privacy invasion unless it's being used for that purpose. Explain to me how the understaffed intelligence services gain by evesdropping on every conversation in the United States. Clearly they only have the power to analyze a small number of transmissions, usually by people who are already under surveilance. I guess what scares me is that you are scared of this sort of thing.
Posts: 2322
Karma: 22
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
they know where you are at all times, not only what you are saying, but where you are
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
Posts: 2573
Karma: 13
No one fucking cares where you are unless you are plotting to blow something up.
That is all.
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
yep these kids gotta be terrorists.
what the government would gather from listening to my day yesterday. i really hope we aren't paying anyone to listen to this.
call 1: "hey, wanna get a calzone? let me take a shower first."
call 2: "yo whats up met me outside. c'mon dude you should've showered when i did. i'm hungry lets go."
call 3: "whats up, oh yeah its labor day i forgot. a handle? ah i don't feel like drinking tonight. i think im gonn akeep it casual."
call 4: "ah yeah do you sell guppies, male & female?"
call 5: "oh hell no. it's not mine, i used a condom."
Posts: 173
Karma: 10
I think there may be more than just privacy invasion thats wrong here. By invading privacy the government gets that little more power and can use that to get more. its the stepping stone. Just like how smoking weed makes you shoot up some black tar heroin.
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
yep i agree. breaking my black tar herion addiction was tough.
Posts: 3989
Karma: 23
yeah dude, the government is pretty fucked. have you seen zeitgeist? its got some karaaaazy shit in there.
Posts: 9371
Karma: 61
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after i do something bad im gonna put my cell phone under the car of some outof towners and go on my own way
Posts: 841
Karma: 15
the government can tap ur cell phone and listen to what ur saying even if ur not on a call just like listen through the microphone and record all that shit...they can even do it if ur phones off and here what ur talking about...the way around it is to take the battery out of the phone.
Posts: 2258
Karma: 43
yeah. and if the phone hears the word 'bomb' or somehtihng close to it, it starts recording the call which the gov listens to. theres other trigger words to
Posts: 4078
Karma: 3,625
you can set your phone so only 911 operators can view your location
Posts: 7266
Karma: 128
Seems to me that the US's society is slowly falling. You know there are a few issues when they are tracking cell phones.
Posts: 5670
Karma: 18
You guys know you can turn it off right?? It only turns on if
a)You set it to or
b)so that when you make an emergency call with no service, people can find you.
For me it is under Phone Settings -> Location:
There are two options. One is location on, which i talked about, and the other is E911 (emergency 911)
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
it seems to me you're gay, but that doesn't mean i'm right does it? shut up lyndon! i don't care what you think about the U.S. you fuckin' cunnuck.
honestly life is awesome here. especially cuz people from other countries are concernedd how good our quality of life is. i don't think one day in my life have i asked "do the canadians have a legit system?" because i don't care. you love the US and wanna get citizenship. your french attitude towards the U.S. is pathedic and sad. Too bad we've been nothing but allies to the french....bastards. U.S. kicks ass man. we're allowed to voice our opinions whether we are wrong or not. i love having my own opinion and having d-bags from your country cry about my lack of P.C.
P.C. is for people who care about what other people think, not themselves. pansies.
Posts: 703
Karma: 11
Yeah phones have GPS but it has nothing to do with that, you can disable the radio completely in the menu.
Think back to the old days with roaming, how do you think the telco knew where you were with your phone? The capability to track your phone is in the towers themselves, not the phones. Any radio signal you transmit whether its a cell or a garage door opener can be triangulated by anyone, the gubmint or otherwise. So quit bein all paranoid, 'kay?
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
i think canada is pretty cool. Their all into that do whatever you like as long as it doesnt hurt anybody thing. In america all your allowed to to is talk, which explains why you would love america.
Posts: 1327
Karma: 11
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They've been able to trace and listen into cell phone calls since the days of Escobar.
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
by the way the united states of america flat out murdered pablo escobar
Posts: 2628
Karma: 25
What i find funny about the whole situation is just simply the irony. People that support limitting freedoms such as privacy, are the same people that same people in support of giving "freedom" to other countries.
Why should you care about your privacy??? I'll give you a very valid reason why. Lets use the example of the internet for example. I'm going to make the assumption that the vast majority of newschoolers participate in some sort of illegal file sharing. Under certain legislation currently in use, the federal government can seize you computer without any warrent what so ever in the name of "Homeland Security". Thus it would be very possible for them to see your entire 20,000 song itunes library of stolen music. Whether you get busted, and turned into the Recording Industry of America, is to their discretion. But slowly and surely if we keep allowing the government to remove the freedoms we have, they will keep taking everything they can get their hands on. As a society we are like sheep. We follow the easiest path blindly and with no regard to anything else. If the government says "bark" the majority of our country does it without thinking twice. I am a firm believer that we are beginning to be taken advantage of. It's time that we start getting a little defensive, and let have a back bone.
Posts: 4801
Karma: 868
its really a promotional # for 9 inch nails, but it'll freak people out over tracking and shit
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
damn right, otherwise we're turning into the ussr
Posts: 17806
Karma: 3,841
anybody remember the meat spin scam that made you think it was zooming in on your location, and wham!, gay porn.
Posts: 1145
Karma: 11
i think this stuff actually works even if your phone is off.
you have to take your battery out to stop them from tracking
Posts: 8407
Karma: 27
why would anyone on here be tracked by the govt.?
Posts: 173
Karma: 10
It really doesn't matter why. The thing is that they did it without following the laws of our country. They just did it. Isn't it scary when a government starts to believe that they are above the law?
Posts: 7406
Karma: 186
yeah that site looked legit too
Posts: 2573
Karma: 13
The file sharing example is complete bullshit. The government would never risk busting every high school and college kid in the country over downloading music. It just won't happen. Think about the political implications, never mind the waste of resources.
Posts: 6475
Karma: 18
this was mentioned in harvey birdman once
Posts: 1327
Karma: 11
Does anyone actually have a legit source that this is happening or even possible?
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