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So i got chsed through a dark forest by a bum....
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
This all went down a few nights ago when me and a few friends were sneaking into the fair. basically we didn't want to pay the $10 entry fee to see a bunch of rednecks listening to the shitty country music that was playing that night. We decided the best way to sneak in would be trough a hole in the fence surroundind the fair which is fucking huge. and no we could not jump the fece because there was barbed wire and shit so we crawl through the hole and sneak past the security gaurds and we were in...then we wanted to smoke a bowl. i recently stopped smoking but i figured what the hell i'll tag along. so we go back out and are in the woods along the fenceline. keep in mind these woods are in the middle of no where and it completly dark. the only light came from a butane lighter that i just bought next thing we know as we are packing the bowl a bum sits up from the leaves on the ground not 6 feet from us and starts charging at us. normally we would chase the bum but we were startled. so as you would expect we take off running, he is feet behind us roaring like a fucking dragon and shit. we finally make it to the edge of the woods and he stops chasing us. standing at the edge of the woods staring at us with his walking stick and his yellow eyes yelling some nonsense that i didn't want to stick around to hear, we then take refuge in a local mcdonalds. i guess the bum doesn't like people to walk in his back yard. it was the sketchiest thing that has happened to me in a while, i will never forget it.
i was feet from having a bum sodomize my asshole and that doesn't sit well with me. im going to find him and kick his malnourished ass
Posts: 8227
Karma: 1,032
bahaha wtf? maybe he just wanted to toke up
Posts: 2158
Karma: 89
should we clap for you?
but that happened to me once, except there were like 4 of them, and we were on bikes so the whole thing happened in about 2 seconds
Posts: 8609
Karma: 1,613
yeah he was probably just some crazy mountain man looking to taste some sticky icky
Posts: 248
Karma: 38
you should have teamed up on him and then chased him away
Posts: 3096
Karma: 44
yeah scary eh? but listen to this. in 8th grade me and 2 of my friends were walking through this sketchy part of town from the mall to my friends house at 1 am. my friend noticed this black dude with dreads was following us for 2 blocks, so we cross the street, he follows us, we turn left, he follows us. we speed up, he speeds up...then we break into a full out sprint, and he follows suit. we ran several blocks and ducked into a convenience store. he posts up at the entrance and just glares at us. we waited it out until he left. then we booked it home. that was legimitately scary, im not used to that shit
Posts: 3613
Karma: 125
Posts: 10636
Karma: 373
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Karma: 350
that is some fucked up shit
Posts: 10905
Karma: 60
hahahahaa the fair in essex. dank.
Posts: 2322
Karma: 22
Posts: 8407
Karma: 27
you should have just stopped and see wut he wanted.
Posts: 3096
Karma: 44
thanks, but no thanks. when a scary looking guy is following you and you are 14 years old in a dark, bad part of town with no witnesses around, I think its a better idea to get the fuck outta there. my friend noticed that he was following us for a couple blocks, and at first I didnt believe him but after the guy followed us when we switched over to the other side of the street, it was time to book it. the worst part was seeing him immediately start sprinting after us over my shoulder.
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
maybe you dont think it is that big of a deal but it was kind of intense for me
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