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Does anybody else have this feeling?
Posts: 2994
Karma: 17
when its the end of summer and you start to think about fall and school and going to football games and all that broo-haaa and you start to just feel really good that winter is coming and soon its going to be cold and snowy? i always get that feeling right before school starts and it makes me happy. hmmmmm yeah ok bye
Posts: 648
Karma: 45
totally but it never comes soon enough
Posts: 11586
Karma: 1,860
i get that especially now i got new skis
Posts: 2994
Karma: 17
i love it when the leaves start falling off the trees and it starts raining and getting cloudy like everyday. ahhh clouds make me happy. i hate sun
Posts: 2302
Karma: 92
Posts: 12296
Karma: 7,743
yup, same. and premieres.
Posts: 2994
Karma: 17
haha no no no i just love the cold
Posts: 2302
Karma: 92
word, summers nice but i get so sick of the heat
Posts: 9304
Karma: 3,670
that feeling never really goes away...
Posts: 3613
Karma: 125
Why can't it be cold and sunny. thats how iii like it. it was cold all day and blue skies and sun as well.
football games suck
school sucks
winters the shit though i see where you're coming from.
Posts: 5427
Karma: 287
i wish i lived in a ski town so i could really get the vibe and see other people enjoy it as well. around me all i hear everyday is how cold it is and how much they hate winter. i'm like the only one getting stoked about dropping temps.
Posts: 12296
Karma: 7,743
i hope you're referring to high school games as "sucking", cause clearly football games are the shit.
but yeah, winter blue bird days are the best.
Posts: 3613
Karma: 125
high school games suck. and by high school games i mean high school football games. and by sucking i mean football. futball is different. but yes, football "sucks".
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
Obviously someone wasn't part of the fan base. But you don't have to rain on other peoples parades. Personally I love the football games, and getting all decked out in my schools gear, and yelling and starting shit with the other teams fans. It's great.
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Karma: 336
Posts: 5427
Karma: 287
yea i also wish that maybe my school was cool. our team is terrible and all anybody looks to do is fight with a town next to us. we don't have lights or a big stadium so u can't get a "friday night lights" vibe where everyone comes out to watch the games. it's like sunday afternoon games which no one cares about because they'd rather sleep in from the night before or like do homework.
Posts: 2042
Karma: 5
i get it once the leaves start to turn and on those cold days/nights when your outside and you can smell wood burning from people wood stoves that when im like word its gonna snow soon
Posts: 216
Karma: 10
i get it when im skating and there are leaves on the ground and i can wear a sweatshirt during the day, but usually that happy feeling doesnt come until october. but today i went skating and next to a set there were leaves all over the ground. then i realized ski season is still pretty far away. i havent gone back to school yet, so i guess its gonna be a while.
Posts: 3613
Karma: 125
i wasn't trying to rain. i like the sun.
i appollogize.
Posts: 3080
Karma: 969
its getting colder here im so excited....only like 2 and a half more months!
for me anyway
Posts: 1872
Karma: 11
PA is crazy dreary and a cloudy damp cold if i lived somewhere sunny and cold it might be a different story i dunno im always in termoil with the changing of seasons love surfing and love skiiny
Posts: 11586
Karma: 1,860
and by the end of september its gonna be about 50 on average so i cant wait for that either
Posts: 4089
Karma: 79
i like winter buti still like the sun and i hate rain
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
you people make me sick! i dont know but standing at the bus stop for 15 minutes in -40 weather doesnt appeal to me.
im not a true skier though, im a skateboarder at heart. skiings just something to make winters go by faster.
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Karma: 125
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Karma: 104
i could see my breath last night.... it was sweet
Posts: 11295
Karma: 502
when the days get shorter and colder, and the leaves start to turn and fall, i get really itchy for snow
Posts: 4005
Karma: 38
I'll pace around the house until I wear out a pair of shoes waiting for winter, but not until its damn near on top of us. I'm still looking forward to hunting season, shit I still have time to put my golf game back together. Seasons change about the right time for me. Summer can end only because I caught my muskie and if I spend another day around my parents I might snap. The really shitty MN weather in the late fall will bring winter right in too, but for now its fine right where it is, 3 months away.
Posts: 2994
Karma: 17
i went shopping for school clothes today and all i bought were hoodies and zippies. im prepared
Posts: 1519
Karma: 38
oh i know exactely what you mean!! i love it wehn fall comes cause it starts getting a little cold and not so fucking hot anymore and then the leaves start changing colors and it's such a sick season then u hit halloween then thanksgiving and then skiing!!!
Posts: 2061
Karma: 183
Posts: 9108
Karma: 16
I get that feeling when it starts to get dark around 6 oclock and I'm sittin on my comp looking at ski stuff and my new ski gear is already bought and sitting next to me. And I'm like damn this is gonna be a fucking legit year. Even more so this year cause I'll be a senior.
Posts: 2158
Karma: 89
i always get that about mid april, like after the last time i go skiing, but maybe thats just me
but i know wat u mean, i get all siked, then i realixe its still like 3 months away.
but then i remember that i get to ski with u wen winter finally comes, and that makes me all happy inside
Posts: 853
Karma: 185
yeah when summer is ending at first i feel sad because school is starting but when that first fall day comes i get so excited for winter and skiing. too bad fall isn't a bit shorter.
Posts: 2302
Karma: 92
the first snow of the season alwyas puts me in a good mood, even in school
Posts: 9371
Karma: 61
i hate the feeling of having school but i love how its getting cold. im already closing my windows at night! hmmmmmmmmmm yeah ok bye
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
i always get stoked to see all the friends i've missed over the summer. then i always regret the moment i'm asked about what i did all summer (standard conversation everyone asks). because i do nothing over the summer every year. although this year was a little different, a lot of people didn't hype their shit up and told the truth when i confessed my lack of trips or crazy tales of glory. it made me feel normal. so now all i can think about is the a month and 1/2 when the snow starts to fly here and how little of classes im taking to make sure i get my riding time in. oh and i'm dedicating time to ride by myself and work on the fun tricks i wanna learn....rather then driving people up all the time and having them always tired and wanna go home after a couple hours of riding.....god damn east coast pussies.
Posts: 1312
Karma: 12
no, i just hate school till december
Posts: 4185
Karma: 20
Yeah totally because who needs clothes when you have coats! Sheitt...
I wish I had money though so I could go stock up... Fucking gas.
Posts: 5427
Karma: 287
seriously, hoodies are the only way to go. just rock white tees for like $5 for 10. and if you're low on the money head over to tj maxx or marshalls.
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
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Karma: 27
haha mee too. i love fall
Posts: 4185
Karma: 20
I'm a little more high-class than that...
Posts: 403
Karma: 35
heat make me feel disy, cold make me feel happy
Posts: 1879
Karma: 101
yeah thats a good feeling. if you really think about it, summer and skiing arnt that far apart, you start skiing in november and its summer in august, thats only like 3 months and itll go by faster than you think
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
yeah i love that feeling. it will be here soon enough.
Posts: 5427
Karma: 287
who needs class when u have a hoodie that screams "i wear these bright colors because im not good looking so i need to get attention somehow else."
just kidding i don't do that, and i don't only wear white tee's but since i said that already everyone beleives me and thinks im a dirtbag greaser that wears the same sweatshirt everyday.
Posts: 6433
Karma: 11,459
honestly i just want to fucking ski right now.
Posts: 4058
Karma: 883
yeah so i was tubing today and my pants came off, pretty embarassing
Posts: 2029
Karma: 21
i'll see if i feel like taht tomoro when i start. it usually takes me till october when its getting cold out though
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