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Best park to hit up in CO
Posts: 2486
Karma: 52
so im dedicating my 1000th post to this question.
i just moved to colorado from minnesota and am wondering which park has the best features...obviously keystone and breck are competitors but i just wanted some local help or anyone that has ridden there what your thoughts are
Posts: 11586
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definetly breck for jumps, keystone for rails, aspen for biggest park
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
breck and key are what everyone will tell you are the superior parks, but thats all up to you in the end. Breck and Key are great parks, but Winter Parks is good as well, i feel like Winter Park has the best overall parks for progression and for building your skills, and all there features are always super fun and built well, plus the snow at winter park is always better then at breck and key, and alot less people most of the time as well.
But if I were you i'd make a lap, hit up a few days at each, i like the WP town vibe as well, deffinately a fun area!
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Karma: 1,860
wp definetly has some of the funnest features to hit. i go there almost evey week. but it cant compare to how good breck and keystones jumps and rails are made. but overall wp is my favorite
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Breckenridge - Keystone - Snowmass - Buttermilk - Echo Mtn - Copper - Winter Park
Posts: 2143
Karma: 11
keystone is sick but i liek beaver creek because they have asome really creative hits
Posts: 2868
Karma: 61
so you're from mn, you'll love copper, keystone and breck. so many rails. copper is sick cuz you can hit stuff from the time you get off the lift at the top all the way to the bottom basically.
Posts: 2192
Karma: 11
I'd say breck but I also like echo mt.
Posts: 921
Karma: 100
does keystone have sick booters too? all ive heard is keystone for rails breck for jumps n pipe but cmon ive seen keystones photoshoots so i know they are capable of making crunk booters
Posts: 1858
Karma: 48
yeah keystones triple line was way many fun this past season, i like it more than breck cuz its a little more laid back,
Posts: 335
Karma: 71
how is the park at crested butte?
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Karma: 1,718
thats kinda self explanitory.
no one is cooler than Eliot
no one can build jumps better than him either.
or cut a pipe as perfect.
Posts: 921
Karma: 100
nice, guess i picked the right mtn to move to then. cya there
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along with aspen & snowmass
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Karma: 22
Posts: 5670
Karma: 18
Echo is fun for about 3 hours, then it tends to get boring.
Keystone has sick features, and i haven't ridden breck. Winter park is def. Solid and has the best snow. The jumps are sooo smooth, Def. don't look past it because it is a "Family resort" all that means is no rich assholes.
Posts: 2486
Karma: 52
i thought snowmass was in aspen
Posts: 1183
Karma: 21
Keystone is the best unless you have the nuts for Breck. Keystone has so many rails and a good variety of different sized jumps. The big line isnt quite as big as Brecks but compared to most parks in MN (just a guess) they are still real big. Breck is always perfect though. If you want a more pro style park, hit Breck, if you like more laid back yet still pretty big go to Keystone.
Posts: 4005
Karma: 38
I didn't like Breck that much because it was too spread out. I was with a friend who was easily good enough to shred freeway but there wasn't shit for me there except the A frame box. Keystone has it all in one spot and I thought it was just as legit as any of the parks at Breck. The jumps in freeway take it, but A51 has a lot of stuff in one spot, and under one lift.
Posts: 2143
Karma: 11
keystone has really fun setup and not totally HUGE b ut still big. brek i think is way too spread out. vail is pretty fun but way off to the side of where i liek to ski at vail mostly and beaver creek has some really fun hits and pretty well placed. kestone though is super legit and fun. also close together
Posts: 2913
Karma: 385
telluride is sick. but its really expensive to get there and expensive to stay
Posts: 1787
Karma: 61
I would do breck or keystone, they are both rediculous and a lot of fun. breck is probably a little more intimadating but everything is always perfect there. you should really try to spend a couple of days at each if you have the option.
Posts: 9201
Karma: 135
KEYSTONE! their park is amazing, jumps, rails, and the park lift is quick
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
apparently CB is stepping it up this year since DC is pushing them to put together a better park, but we'll see hopefully it happens. Supposedly alot of the crew was under intensive training from the DC Mtn Lab crew or something. Time will only tell!
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ya and last year you had to get speed before you got into the park just to get over them
Posts: 1183
Karma: 21
Did you ski there last year? Do you weight 80 pounds? Do you generally not pop off jumps and therefore not clear them? There really were no problems on the jumps last year as you could carve into each one, except the last on slow days.
Posts: 4358
Karma: 17
echo mountain? HAHA, My backyard.
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Posts: 4358
Karma: 17
Really though, I would have to say Keystone. It's awesome durinf night skiing. They have this rail that has a neon light. Good music and great parkk crew.
Posts: 2143
Karma: 11
im pretty sure the music is gone or at leats was for part of last year because teh bitch at teh bottom thought the content wasn't appropriate
Posts: 2115
Karma: 34
anybody know anything about Telluride's park?
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Posts: 2033
Karma: -3
Great park crew? No. Brecks park crew maintains their shit so much better.
Posts: 11586
Karma: 1,860
lovelands good if you like 2 jumps 4 rails and a wallride
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Karma: 86
keystone, and you can hit it at night which is cool
Posts: 43
Karma: 10
Sunlight (LOL) Keystone and Breck for sure..
Posts: 5670
Karma: 1,718
god i hope cb is not as sketchy as last year.
and those of you who say keystone has a good park crew i laugh at you. they cant keep up with raking for shit.
Posts: 1969
Karma: 39
Good Review Man
Our problem is that CBMR has to match DC on every penny, if they don't DC will pull out, CB does'nt give a shit about park, it is run by an asshole that hates park riders, and has never hit a jump in his life
Posts: 239
Karma: 30
keystone doenst set up any of their sick rails, most all of the parks are weak on that, and key always has mad holes in all the landings, i would slide the breck rails over them, but they can be big and scary, if you like smaller rails to go winterpark
Posts: 2033
Karma: -3
They are good at sitting in their shack and getting baked as shit and not doing anything though.
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
are we speaking about the all evil h-bomb?
Posts: 921
Karma: 100
haha sounds like a typical park crew to me
Posts: 993
Karma: 42
holly shit i almost just shit my pants
but ya keystone breck buttermilk snowmass and copper
Posts: 1403
Karma: 12
its been said, but breck hands downski
Posts: 11586
Karma: 1,860
when have you gone when the landings sucked? and was it the mini park?
every time i go keystone has perfect rails
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