I wanted to buy me a new outfit from the 07-08 Aeryx collection since I loved theirs last year, so now they're not coming out with one this year I'm looking for some new or secondhand Aeryx 06-07 stuff that's still in a good condition.
I'm 6"00' and 200lbs, waist is 40' and I want a real loose fit. What I'm looking for is either of these combinations:
- Triad Jacket lime green + Triad pants black or lime green.
- Polycargo jacket (baby?) blue + Polycargo pants (baby?) blue or brown.
So if you got any of this let me know! I'm from Belgium (Europe) but don't worry, we'll agree on a price for your stuff only, shipping is on me.
PS: what colour is this http://www.proctorjones.com/pjonline/product.asp?s%5Fid=0&dept%5Fid=8523&pf%5Fid=1631&
is it White tiger or Nickel? Also, what colour pants do you think would go with it, I'm thinking just plain simple black??