hopefully it'll be fine, knees are pretty confusing things, and especially if you're a soccer player, they're easy to mess up.
doctors are so contradictory though. two years ago, i had pertussis and it took them so long to get their shit together.
in september i had a cough, and didn't really think about it, because i'm always sick. by halloween, it was a really disturbing cough, so i went to a doctor, and he gave me some medicine thinking it was a sinus infection. it didn't help at all, after a month or two, going to the doctor like every two weeks, he said it was athsma, and sent me to a specialist. by the time i saw the specialist, i was coming in late to school at least three times a week, and missing a lot of school becasue i felt so shitty.
when i saw the athsma specialist, in january or february he told me that there was absolutely no way this was athsma, and did some tests. it turns out that i caught whooping cough in september, and the only way medicine can help it is in the first two weeks, and people usually think it's a cold then. after that, you just wait it out.
i ended up being sick for more than six months, with a horrendous cough. whenever i did any running, i would start to cough until i puked. it probably didn't help that i kept skiing the whole time...but i didn't want to stay home.