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Underground companies looking to sponsor a new shop
Posts: 1317
Karma: 7
My friend mark is starting up a online shop dealing in strictly freestyle skiing and snowboarding goods. The shop will deal with mostly underground and new companies since it is new to the scene and major corporations arent willing to take a gamble on him yet.
So far he has confirmed dealership from i8van and moment, with support from echeadwear and surface skis.
thus, in order to increase the diversity of the shop, we are looking for any new ski/snowboard/apparel companies dealing in hardgoods or soft goods. any names that we should look into?
any help is greatly appreciated
and if you yourself are interested in throwing your own company's stuff up for sale on the shop, feel free to email me at shadowfaxii@msn.com or mark at shredemporium@gmail.com
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I'd love to see another great freeskiing shop online. Good luck with it.
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maybe ask that bluehouse ski company. it seems like they have been making a big push recently to try to grow and let people know what they are about
Posts: 72
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WHy Pm eastcoastjibber hes cute but he doesnt own it
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yo the emails are being sent out.
as for the ninthward debate, we are gonna try to contact them and see what they say. If they approve and are willing to sponsor the shop and endorse it with their goods, then we will go from there.
In the meantime we are contacting liberty, fupa, switch gloves, and jiberish clothing, as well as considering making some of the shops own stuff (preferably some legit gangsta shit).
also the shop is based on the east coast, in Maryland. Hopefully we will get some support from companies for trying to spread their clientele base to this region.
Posts: 11052
Karma: 113
nice choices. Considered EC Headwear?
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companies sponsoring a shop? call me crazy but this is relatively unheard of!
basically your friend has no money to start up a shop. if he did, the big boys would step up and sell him product (no matter what, companies want your money). i don't doubt the fact that they won't extend him credit as he is new and new shops tend to go belly up because of poor management of funds.
best of luck to him. hopefully he can last by simply selling gear from "underground" companies. this is a gamble since he doesn't appear to have the so called "bread and butter" brands.
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I didn't really hear much about this....
Posts: 430
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Most legitimate brands require you to have a brick and mortar store to open an account with them.
Posts: 12055
Karma: 920
Where in Maryland is your shop?
Posts: 2785
Karma: 474
sweet! ill be checking my email for something. im interested to hear how this is really gonna work out.
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Posts: 754
Karma: 175
ok let me lay this out for u... ur talking about underground companies giving u goods for free so that u can sell them on the internet (sponsor)... by underground im guessing u mean low income companies that are trying to make it out of the slums and develop them selves to a higher level co.
most sucessfull businesses like ur trying to start all took out a loan or started with flow not sponsorship. its gonna be a pain in the ass asking companies to give u there name and product for free for an experemental online shop... the second thing u need to think about is how are you gonna compete with companies like getboards and DS, even if your product is googled chances are they sell it on another online dealer cheaper than u will...
as far as ec headwear goes, they hit the ground running, because there hats arnt very expensive to make and they found a demand without much supply. they founded a company that was one of a kind needed by the ns comunity thats why they have grown so quickly...
im not trying to stop u from making this happen, i just thought of some road blocks u may incounter on your path.
ps my spelling sucks
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yea but thats life... i just said it as it is jea............
Posts: 1317
Karma: 7
ive told my buddy this already and he understands it but is seeing what he can put together. unfortunately, as you said, he has very little money for startup costs, etc, especially since he is a college student (you all know we have no spare cash and even if we did wed spend it all at the bar)
that being said, the kid seems to be dedicated and is already contacting companies and mountains for demo purposes, etc: anything to help boost his legitimacy. He is hoping to get a few things together to jumpstart the cash flow of the shop before pursuing more prominent names.
Thus, he is currently interested in companies with mutual interests: trying to establish a clientele base and get the firm operating and at least steady before trying to seak higher goals.
Posts: 2785
Karma: 474
wow i didnt know that, you guys will not get product from companies this way. the little companies need money the most, and giving product to a store for free makes no sense at all. if we are going to give product away, we would give it away for free ourselves! not give it to a store so they can profit. im sorry but i dont see this working at all.....
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i agree completly. you need to have to small companies loan you product that when you sell, then you pay them their costs. anyone who gives you free shit is a stupid ass. the small companies you are talking about could work out a deal with you for a base price and what ever you make above that you keep as profit, and unsold invantory returns to them.
do you even have a url, business lisence, way to bill credit card companies, wearhouse, and about a thousand other things you need to even open this shit up.
best of luck to you buddy, but before you open your mouth with a bunch of shit, have something to back it up with first, like a site, company license, and some way to prove your ligitimacy.
good luck once you get your shit together.
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my understanding of it was that the company will post your stuff for sale in their online shop.
When it is purchased, they will send you the money minus a sellers fee and you will ship the item once the money is recieved.
Correct me if I am wrong here.
Posts: 231
Karma: 25
a site like that does not work unless you have tons of product in the wharehouse, for instance you put an ec beanie on there and some guy wants to buy 500 of them for his employees but you only had enough money to get 20 from ec seeing as how so much money went to getting skis and other stuff to fill up the site.
now this guys credit card goes through and charges him for 500 hats which he know should take say 5 to 7 business days to ship . but no you have to call ec hoping they have that many which they wont even if they do they ship them to you 5 - 7 days then you have to turn around and send them to your buying who at this time is pissed because it has been almost 2 weeks and no sign of his stuff.
that is just what i think i might be wrong!!
Posts: 11052
Karma: 113
You say he's a college student... maybe wait until he finishes? He'll have more time to dedicate to the shop, as well as improve his credit (if that's what needed, some guy said something about it), and save up some startup funds. It'll be hard to start up a shop with little money, ski shops are expensive to run & especially new ones have trouble competing with the larger names. Obviously, this place just sells underground stuff, but most people buy direct from the company. Sounds like you'll be starting something like Jibij in Maryland.
Whatever, don't listen to me I know jack shit about business & finances.
Good luck to your buddy over there
Posts: 1317
Karma: 7
Okay ive talked to my friend and apparently nobody is getting anything or giving anthing, for free.
in speaking with the companies he has dealt with so far, he is offering to opperate as a so-called middle man for the smaller companies. By that i mean that he is offering to sell the goods of other companies at cost of a small percentage. Thus, the smaller companies are getting their much needed income while doing absolutely nothing in terms of their own work, and at a relatively small cost.
sorry for my own goofups and miscommunications, i was ill-informed or just unattentive. nothing new for me
Posts: 8588
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he should just sell stuff for like 10% more than all the other online ski stores, buy from them and have it shipped to his customers.
Posts: 1317
Karma: 7
to be honest he's really not just about it for the money. he wants to progress both skiing and snowboarding (he rides dont knock it, and lets be honest snowboarding needs more of a core scene than skiing does, were strong), and the companies that support this progression.
he's mentioned 25% cut for his work, which considering all of his own expenses is not a bad deal to ask for doing such companies as moment, i8van, and others a huge favor in expanding their clientele base
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What are you talkng about?
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Karma: 175
i wouldnt say that... iv seen way more core snowboard shops than ski shops
Posts: 930
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Karma: 33
saga. and if you make your own you should make it real big. bigger than saga. cause their new stuff isn't all that big.
Posts: 1649
Karma: 162
Hey guys,
Mark from Shred Emporium here, I want to thank Mr. Bishop for manually activating my account since the activation email link wasn't working.
Next, there is no sponsorship involved in our online shop. We are working on a consignment basis with some companies but everyone is going to make their share of the money and I am not trying to screw or sucker anyone. The site is currently being built and hopefully will be a place that will be easy for you to browse and find new products from new companies. We want to be a centralized storefront for the indie ski and snowboard industry. We are also working to help sponsor a couple events this winter and hopefully be able to set up a few demo days to let people here on the east coast see what these new ski companies are really all about.
Let me know if you have any more questions and I'll be glad to answer them.
Posts: 1880
Karma: 368
bern helmets although they kinda blew up
also lethal descent outerwear
Posts: 754
Karma: 175
ok.......... but what does this have to do with dietcokes problem.
Posts: 1649
Karma: 162
Posts: 754
Karma: 175
he thinks companies give products to shops to sell (sponsorship)
Posts: 1649
Karma: 162
No he just misunderstood the business model. He already corrected himself and I also posted that nothing is being sponsored or given for free. All companies involved will be fairly compensated and will be making money when their product sells. Our plan is to help small companies spread and grow while helping ourselves grow. We don't want to put small companies out of business by asking for free stuff. The only free giveaways or sponsoring that will take place will hopefully be at a couple rail jams, comps, and demo events this winter and will be done by Shred Emporium.
Posts: 1317
Karma: 7
In case its unclear, molsengolden is mark ramina and the entreprenuer for the new online shop Shred Emporium.
any questions or concerns can be emailed to him directly at shredemporium@gmail.com
again Id like to appologize for any misunderstandings or unnecessary hype or vibe coming through this thread on my account. and thank you to all those who have been supportive and helpful thus far. we are welcome to any input that you may have to offer
-matt mosteller
Posts: 1649
Karma: 162
it might be easier for you guys to understand if we refer to it as drop shipping
Posts: 72
Karma: 13
shred emporium that is an awesome name!
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