So today is my first day of college. This morning I was kinda scared about the normal things. When i got here the RA on my floor comes up to me and is like "Yo im a skiier too"(I am wearing my 4Frnt shirt) we didnt talk to much about skiing or anything but he seems like a chill guy and being a skiier is just another good thing. When i was going to pick up my books from the college store whiteface mtn had a tent setup right infront of it so i decided to check it out. They have some deal for college kids so its only 199 for a pass and i was all stoked about that. I got talking to the guy running the booth who i knew from the mountian. He told me not to buy my pass because he was going to send me a free pass and a box of shirts and stickers to give out so that they could use my pictures on adds and stuff ( i had a big 2x3foot poster of me doing a cork 7 in the back of the booth) that they took last year kinda a big surprise. Basically today was one of the nastiest days, time to go party