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Where are you skiing this year instead of Alpine?
Posts: 1072
Karma: 418
Where are you skiing this year instead of Alpine?
Posts: 5460
Karma: 72
boreal, sugarbowl and homewood
Posts: 972
Karma: 357
Breal for park...Sugar Bowl for everything... Kirkwood for big days... Ski Doo REV the rest of the time
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
Kirkwood almost primarily.
I'm sure I'll make the rounds, I get discounts for most places through work...
but Kirkwood is free as can be for me.
Posts: 1730
Karma: 315
Blackwood, Castle peak, reno, the star or maybe eehhhh B real or if I want to do some work Squaw I just havent decided on that.
Posts: 11902
Karma: 1,019
im 17 so i get the 300$ pass
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
Well aint you fuckin special.
Posts: 4554
Karma: 96
north star, boreel, and either sqaw or rose
Posts: 951
Karma: 117
This is the year of the bowl! Life is on donner summit. Get it while you can kids, cause the summit's the next to go. I give it two kick-ass seasons before they sell off rest of the summit. I'm there and that's that. B-real for park and the Bowl for mountain. Sounds bueno to me.
Posts: 1467
Karma: 118
Posts: 494
Karma: 11
Fuck alpine! I already have my boreal pass and im thinking a northstar/seirra pass also.I know there are a lot of people hating on northstar out there, but a college pass there is 349 and you get the sierra pass which has no blackouts, and although a bit crowded at times no one can say that the northstar park is not a freestyle winter wonderland, and sierra is super sick too.
Posts: 4391
Karma: 67
^ You're just gonna set yourself up for essentially no awesome pow-lines then.
Posts: 494
Karma: 11
tahoe doesnt get powder anymore, remember last season
Posts: 393
Karma: 20
alright leave then. more for us.
Posts: 393
Karma: 20
but Boreal nights, squaw midweek, and rose i suppose occasionally. or try the green pass at alpine. my buddy rode at least twice a week for 2 months last year at alpeezy with the green pass.
Posts: 1730
Karma: 315
or you could just go set your skis down an fuckin go skiing at alpine.
Posts: 1072
Karma: 418
Just called Alpine. They are listening...on newschoolers too and have read everyones commnets. Try send them a mature email telling them.
Your age:
What days of the week you usually ski:
Where would you get a pass if not Alpine:
Posts: 1370
Karma: 67
i wrote an e-mail. i encourage you to do the same. if they can't change it this year, then maybe next.
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
I did as soon as I found out about the rate change...
I doubt they will change it this year though...
maybe next year when they find out how few of us showed up...
Posts: 393
Karma: 20
i wrote one. i think if enough of us speak up theres more of a chance of them changing than if we do nothing. keep it mature though. nobody wants to listen to whining and pissed off kids. hopefully someone will listen
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
I said like, nothing at all about how "I'm pissed and I'm never skiing here again" or "You've ruined it, I hate you *bitchbitch*"
Just plainly said how much of the college aged folks who love the place and what it has presented in the past simply cannot afford 850. Understanding that it IS a buisness and they must make money, I simply said, we are the future, and to have tons of experience at the resort will only make us grow into lifelong shralpineheads and want to bring our families there in the future. told em to think long term.
Who knows... perhaps they will install a college pass next season. I bet they are pretty firm about what they have now though.. =\
Posts: 2458
Karma: 33
^yeah that was the main idea in my note...the 19-24 year olds of today are tomorrow's 35-40 year olds deciding on where to teach their children to ski, it all comes back around in the end.
Posts: 2189
Karma: 288
couldn't have said it better. PLus if they get rid of us, the also get rid of any of our visiting parents, relatives and friends who will go wherever we take them or recomment. Which if Alpine ice's us, sure wont be there.
IN the end though I think I will prob still ride Alpine since it is my home Mnt, but this decision wont go unoticed with our crew and all the free marketing and advertsing we have done for Alpine..... to put it lightly.
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
no kidding. I know for a fact my father as well as my brother and cousins are not going to be wanting to pay the day prices either (Being they will probably jack the prices up soon enough as it is...)
Posts: 885
Karma: 200
I'm just gonna buy two passes from Alpine this year so when they take my first one away, I'll have have backup. I wont be able to afford skis or clothing...but thats ok.
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
Well not all of us can afford to spend 1700 dollars just like that, so... enjoy.
Posts: 1590
Karma: 80
Lief, the most important things are clothing and skis. Because looking good is paramount, even if it's not on the mountain. Buy a couple outfits and a pair of skis, and we'll hang out in the parking lot pass-less so people can see how good we look.
Posts: 2189
Karma: 288
Posts: 2458
Karma: 33
hey you guys know I'm down. We'll just pose in the parking lot and then go make thizz faces on the sundeck and claim on the parkrat n00bs that paid for passes...it's much safer that way.
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
Sounds good. I say that if alpine isnt going to be affordable enough ON the mountain, that someone should get a jib going in the lot and just shred there for a bit.
Looking snazzy in the process.. due to all the money saved from buying the pass.
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