Replying to Diamond edges
Imagine how cool it wold be if ski companies started making ski edges with a titanium/diamond composite.
it would cost a fuck load of $$$ but your edges would never dull and everytime you did a railslide you would be wearing away the rail not your skis. And rocks .... what rocks ! the diamond would slice through them like butter, scratched bases yes but blown edges no!
NH_Line:ya oakleys skis are no rumor!!!!!!!!! offffff the hook, the are coming out with the Osama Pros, and t-hall is leaving Armada to ride them, they also will come with a free bling bling necklace
ArmadaFreerider8:Where can you get a pic of the new oakley skis?
Ds91260: i already got my osama pros, i stole them from a cave in afganistan
ArmadaFreerider8: Why would tanner hall leave armada after he just helped start it
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